Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We're Moving!!!

The new blog address is

I still need to move over all of the video clips from previous posts, but I don't have time right now.

Anyway, make sure you change the blog in your favorites and subscriptions and whatever.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Parker's Surgery

Tomorrow is Parker's surgery on both of his thumbs.

The girls are spending the night at Ninny and Papa's and will be there tomorrow. Gigi and Grandpa will be going to OKC to be there with us for the surgery.

I'm nervous. The surgery itself is not a huge deal - just the anesthesia for my little guy. I just hate it when children have to go under anesthesia - especially my children!

The surgery time was originally set for the second case of the day, which put it at a start time of about 8:15, with our arrival time being 6 a.m. So, we had planned to spend the night in OKC. However, earlier today, we got a call saying that his surgery time had been moved to later in the day (noon), so we don't have to be there until 9 a.m. That saved us money, since we don't have to stay in the hotel tonight. Also, Billy didn't get back into town from work until about 8 p.m., so it would have been really tiring for him to have to drive on up to OKC to the hotel right after getting home from a really, really long day at work. He's really exhausted.

So, Billy and Parker are both asleep in our bed right now. Parker kept asking me to take his picture tonight - again, and again, and again, and again. He was walking around finding random objects and asking for a picture with them. I'll post those tomorrow night or the next day. I also have a pic to post of Olivia's crazy hair from today (Crazy Hair Day at school).

I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I have to finish getting some stuff ready for tomorrow. I worked hard today on some business stuff.

I'm also moving the blog, and I'll let you know the new address in the next couple of days.

Pray for Parker (and us) Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I got a prank call from a radio station this morning. I wish I could find out what station for sure.

The guy wanted to know if I would take pictures of his step-daughter and her prize-winning goat. Well, the thing was that the goat actually passed away last night and was stiff, with the tongue hanging out. Could I work with it and make it look like it was still alive?

Sorry, I simply couldn't do that today. (Or any day.)

Well, it says I do children's portraits, and the goat was like a child. It was part of the family and they loved it to death (no pun intended).

I giggled.

"Ma'am, it's not funny. My step-daughter is really tore up about it. She stayed home from school today and everything. She really needs a picture to take to school tomorrow."

I advised the redneck to find a photographer closer to where they were located or to just take a snapshot themselves.

When I asked for the contact information, they hung up.

I tried to find the station after that because I was sure I had just been pranked by a morning show, but I had no idea except to look for redneck country stations.

I did a reverse search on the number and found where it's from. Then, I found the station that is most likely the one. Then, I found the two guys that do that morning show during that time. So, I'm pretty sure I know who it was. When I find out for sure, I think I'll call during on on-air thing and prank them back about how I am suing or something. I was so emotionally distressed after the call that I couldn't work all day. I feel so sorry for the step-daughter who lost her prize-winning goat.

I actually am kind of irritated that they are using my name on air and everything. I should have hung up much sooner, but you know Oklahoma. I'm surrounded by rednecks - many of whom have prize-winning animals that are like family. You never know. I was trying to be nice without being stupid, because people were listening, and I didn't want them to think Sarah Hilton Photography was heartless or brainless.

Anyway, funny - and will probably never, ever happen again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ACM Awards in Vegas - I See Stars!

Too tired and busy to blog properly right now. I need a few days to recover from the trip and catch up on my work here.

Here's a little teaser:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vegas Bound - Again.

So, I leave tomorrow morning for Las Vegas - once again. Vegas wasn't even anywhere near my list of places I wanted to visit before I died, and here I am going for the second time in about 8 months. It's hard to turn down a free trip - and helping out a friend who is truly going through a really difficult time. We plan on taking our time more this trip and hitting several spots that we wanted to see last time and didn't get to.

I cashed in my change bank yesterday, and I had about $60, so that's it for all of my meals. I'm so glad we found the cheaper eating place on our last morning in Vegas the last trip. We'll be there every day this time.

I've been working really hard the past few weeks. I've also just completed a month of no eating out (with the exception of a lunch with my in-laws after a funeral recently - paid for by my in-laws). I have actually prepared food (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert) every single day. That is a humongous feat for me. I also spent NO money on anything but groceries for several weeks. The break in that occurred the day we took Natalie's story up to the City, and I had to buy Parker a cookie and drink at McDonald's, because Natalie got to go with Gigi and Grandpa, and he didn't (sad boy). Also, yesterday, I went shopping for a couple things I needed for my trip (another bra and other necessities like that).

It feels so good to be taking good care of the family and our finances. Groceries are expensive for a family of 5 who is home all of the time - except for Daddy!


Chicken is about to pop, but if she doesn't start labor in a few hours, she'll end up stuck with Billy as her "midwife" through this delivery. I hope she can hold out until I get back.

I'm busy making lists for Billy for while I'm gone, and I'm trying to explain everything and show him where stuff is set up for certain things, but I don't know if he's really listening. I know they'll all survive without me, but I want it to run smoothly and "properly".

The girls each have their first soccer game scheduled on Saturday, and I'll miss them. I can't believe that. Billy will be busy that day.

I'll be super duper extremely crazily busy when I return Monday afternoon. It's a really, really busy week - and I have to do taxes in the midst of it. So, I'll probably get a quick blog in when I return, and then there won't be a whole lot until after that next weekend, probably. We'll see.

Wish me luck.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Natalie and Olivia are both playing soccer now. Last week was the first practice for each of them. They were supposed to have games Saturday, but the yucky weather caused a cancellation.

So, Natalie has soccer practice on Tuesdays, and Olivia has soccer practice on Thursdays. Parker wants to play so badly.

Natalie was so, so, so, so happy when she got dressed for her first soccer practice. If you remember, she wanted to play last year (actually the year before - when she was 4), and I kept missing the sign-up. She was all smiles and really thrilled to get in her gear and get out on the field. She did well during practice. I'm so glad she loves it. I was afraid it was just something that sounded fun to her but she wouldn't like it once she tried it. - I was wrong to worry!

Of course, Olivia likes it, because she's doing something that Natalie is doing. So, time will tell if Olivia truly loves soccer as Natalie seems to. I'm getting Olivia scheduled to talk with her doctor about getting braces for her legs, since she walks so pigeon-toed. Her right foot really turns in. It has always done that, but her pediatrician thought it would go away on its own earlier on. It's definitely a problem. It makes soccer more of a challenge for her. Ballet will be really difficult next fall, if we don't get her into some braces now to try to correct the problem.

So, here's a little video of Natalie warming up before her coach arrived at her first practice. She was giddy!

One more thing...

As an incentive...

I would post more often, if my readers would post more comments! It's encouraging to know my blog time is appreciated.

Promises, Promises...

I realize I promised another blog update before the weekend was over, but I never took the time to do it. The blog is just on the back burner for now. A lot of stuff is on the back burner.

I've been putting my business stuff to the side for a few weeks now, too. Other than answering some calls and a couple schedulings, I've been putting off working on some of the new senior stuff and a couple other things I need to do.

However....I've been accomplishing so much on my personal to-do list! It feels great!! I'm really focusing on the family side of things.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Natalie's Story

Here is the cute little story Natalie wrote (dictated to me) and illustrated for the Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest. She wanted to enter the contest last year, but she was too young. This year, we almost missed the deadline. She was so excited to get to enter this year.

I looked at some of the winners and entries from the past year, and some of them really seem like parents were involved in the writing of the story. This story is straight from Natalie! I think it's actually a good little story.

Some other time, I'll blog about the drama of getting the entry in. I need to shut down the computer, probably, because of the lightning. I just got home and thought I'd better get this posted right away - since Ninny didn't believe I was actually going to post a blog (after such a long time without one)! I've been busy with projects, and I'll blog about them when I feel like taking the time.

More later this weekend.....Promise!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lucky You!

Sorry for the long delay in a blog update. You'll have to wait even longer for a blog of any substance, because I simply don't feel like thinking as much as I need to for catching up on the blogs I want to include (like back from Valentine's, etc.).

So, here are some random photos to make up for it:

The Man called home today and requested a spice cake, so I put one together really quickly - deciding to throw in an homage to a big part of our heritage today. I didn't put together any kind of St. Patrick's Day party for the kids this year, because there's just too much going on right now.

I've been working on some big re-organization in the kitchen, and I'll probably post about it sometime. I've got a bunch more to do in other rooms to implement some of my new ideas. I'm on a roll...and, of course, having a ton of fun doing it, because I thrive on organization and planning, etc.

Pregnancy update on Miss Chicken: She didn't get pregnant at the time Olivia and Parker heard her "getting bit by a snake". However, she is pregnant and getting really big now. I think we've got 2-3 weeks left.

New toilet design in the guest bathroom - compliments of Olivia. She draws characters from The Happy Monster Band (Disney channel short show in the mornings). I didn't let her finish this design, but I can't bring myself to completely scrub it off, yet. It makes me smile every time I see it. There are a lot of people in the world who have lost children or are unable to have any and would love to have little scribbles all over their house.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Talk to the Foot.

Just a quick cute thing from yesterday that I just remembered:

We were all in the car, and the girls were kind of picking at each other about stuff (kind of serious and kind of just playing). Natalie put her foot up on the seat and said to Olivia, "Talk to the foot." (You know, like the "talk to the hand" thing.)

Olivia goes, "Hi, what's your name?"..."Oh, foot."..."Hi, foot. How are you?"..."Ok. Bye, foot." Everyone started giggling, and the "fighting" was over.

It was such a busy, running-here-and-there day today! My back is killing me, and I'm exhausted! Busy, busy day tomorrow with a session and an order appointment and some other stuff.

The weather was gorgeous today, and I'm hoping for the same tomorrow for my session with little Kolton - from the contest entry in February.

A handful that Natalie picked as soon as we got home from all of our errands (business and personal) today! At least they weren't weeds this time. I end up with lots of little glasses full of pretty weeds most of the time.

I just thought this was a sweet moment. She loves flowers and animals.


Things are really, really busy for me right now (business) - until at least Sunday. So...probably no posts until then. I may get to a couple by Saturday night, promises.

Because of a message I received after my last post about the product photography, I thought I should place a disclaimer here:

The images in the post below have not been edited (levels adjustments, contrast, color correction, etc.). They were not delivered to the client that way. When I said that I was thinking about leaving them as is and maybe not redoing the set up, I meant only the "set design" that I had done - the food props and how the light was hitting on the jars (not easy to light reflective jars properly, with them not looking flat or also not reflecting in the wrong place). Anyway, of course the images were enhanced, once I decided which ones would be delivered.

So, just in case a prospective client should happen upon this blog, they should know that was not the final "product" (pun intended) that I delivered to the client.

Maybe a quick, fun update with a photo or two before Sunday - but, don't hold me to it!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Product Photography

I know it's disappointing to keep looking for a blog and find nothing new, and I know a post without photos is not as fun. So, here you go:

I worked on some product photography all night long - until 6:00 a.m. this morning. I have to have it done this weekend.

This is a project for a small local company, and my first attempt at the project was a couple weeks ago, before I got sick. I did some test shots and sent them for review, and they liked my ideas. Then, I got sick and haven't had a chance to finish the project. I'm just ready to get it out of here.

When I worked on the test shots a couple weeks ago, I was really having fun, and I thought that I might want to work more on learning techniques for great food and product photography and maybe get into that a little. This time around, I didn't have my "assistant", whom I was calling "Spritzer Guy", since he was helping spritz water and give me assistance deciding how to place the accessories during the test shoot. Yesterday, "Spritzer Guy" got the flu that I had last weekend. So, I was working on the shoot by myself, and I was already really tired. Plus, I've just been depressed the past few days, so I wasn't in the right mood to work on it anyway. I just don't have a choice, since I have to have it done this weekend.

I may redo it all, but I need some time to review what I got and see what needs to be changed/improved. (I can see so many things wrong with it on my initial review.) Or, I may turn it in as is, because I undershot the commission, thinking it wouldn't be that much work to shoot a series of jars and spices. That was because the original request was just for a setup like with a saddle or just rustic look. I made more work for myself by proposing the food prep style that they decided they really liked. Also, I'm getting paid in ITEX dollars (the barter group thing I got suckered into - and that I'm canceling after the next project I have that I'm getting paid that way in April). So, I'm not technically making any cash for this project. I'm just over it. Maybe, I'll have a better outlook after I'm better rested.

Here are a few shots from last night/this morning:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayer Request

Please pray for strength and God's peace for Stephanie's whole family right now. They lost Stephanie's niece, Jade, earlier this morning.

Such a painful, traumatic ordeal the family is enduring even as we speak, at the hospital. As their hearts are broken, we pray for emotional and physical strength that only God can provide.

As Christians, we know that God knows what is best for us all, and that He is holding little Jade in the best place of all, but it just can't take away the immense pain the family must endure while still here on earth. As an "earthly being", when I heard of the life-saving efforts being made by the physicians this morning, it was my tendency to pray for sweet little Jade to stay here on earth with the family who so love her and care for her so well - as I don't want any of them to be suffering the heartache they are now. I had to "remind" myself to pray, instead, simply that God's love, peace, and protection be evident to the family, no matter the outcome this morning in God's design for beautiful little Jade.

There are many travel plans being made right now, and Jade's mama will be making a terribly painful flight back home from across the country. Also, Stephanie's brother is on a return flight home right now. He was flying on the way to Stephanie's house this morning (where he will be staying to help her when Percy leaves for Afghanistan), when they were able to catch him at a layover to get him set up to return home immediately. Stephanie has an especially difficult time ahead, as she will be sending Percy off for training and Afghanistan on Tuesday, then flying home (with her three babies) to join her family.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Smile Break!

I just thought this little thing about cats and dogs was really funny. I can't give credit to the writer, because I don't know who it is. I found it on someone else's blog, and they didn't know the author, either - just found it on the internet somewhere.


8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8:00 pm - Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!


Day 983 of my captivity.

My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets.
Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength.
The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet.
I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of.
However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "Good little hunter" I am. Bastards!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight.
I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event.
However, I could hear the noises and smell the food.
I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of 'allergies.'
I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking.
I must try this again tomorrow - but at the top of the stairs.

I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges.
He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return.
He is obviously retarded.

The bird has got to be an informant.
I observe him communicating with the guards regularly.
I am certain that he reports my every move.
My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe.
For now . . .

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tooth of the Matter is...

My baby is growing up - quickly!

Yesterday, Olivia wanted to watch the DVD of Natalie's dance recital. I was sad watching it. For a few months now, I've been thinking about Natalie's next birthday (6th), which is just around the corner, in May. It just seems like such a big deal to me, because of the whole "important first five years of life" thing. It just feels like she's stepping into another segment of life. I just realized yesterday that she will be one-third of the way through her time with us at home, assuming she'll leave at 18 for college - which is the plan at this point. That's just crazy to think about being one-third through that time - especially considering how very, very quickly the time has gone already.

Today, we are all home (except for Billy). I'm still sick with the flu stuff, Olivia with the bronchitis, Natalie with a stomach virus, and Parker also with an upset tummy. Today was Parker's day for school, but I was afraid he'd have diarrhea at school, so he stayed home. I had planned on sending Olivia to school, because she is over any fever, but she was so sound asleep this morning, that I didn't want to wake her up.

So, a little bit ago, Olivia told me something about Natalie's tooth. Natalie seemed afraid to tell me, and she was covering her mouth. I asked her what happened. She showed me that she had a loose tooth. I don't know why she thought I'd be upset. I just started to cry and said that I couldn't believe my "baby" was so big that the tooth fairy would be coming. Olivia patted me and told me, "It's okay, Mama, I'm still your baby. See, my tooth isn't loose. Look at my teeth. I'll still be your baby. Don't cry." It was sooooooooo cute and sweet.

I was just so completely unprepared for a loose tooth already. I'm scheduling Natalie for a dental visit, because I don't remember if that tooth is one that doesn't have a permanent underneath. If she looses more up front, we'll have to go to a specialist and see if we can go ahead and have a temporary "fake teeth" thing put in. There's no way she can go without any teeth in the front all the way to 12 years or so (when they will put in the bridge-type thing with the fake teeth until she can get the implants when she's about 20). So, maybe we can find a nice, generous specialist to cut the cost a little for a smaller temporary bridge thing.

Anyway, here's a little video from a minute ago:

My big girl - nearly toothless.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The House of Ill...

Olivia went to the walk-in clinic today, and she has bronchitis. She's been sick since last week.

Parker was sick last weekend, and he had an ear infection. Then, Olivia got it. She complained off-and-on about her ear hurting. Then, she had to miss school Friday, because she didn't sleep at all the night before. Then, she seemed to be feeling better, and she went with Natalie and Ninny out of town to visit their Aunt Kathy. She came home Saturday night, crying about her ear.

I was able to work on a project (finishing the new investment catalog) all day Saturday - it literally took me all day long Saturday, but I got it finished and ordered. Then, I got sick. I didn't feel good all day, but I thought it was because I was on the computer and "thinking" really hard all day (figuring cost of goods, etc.). Then, I realized I had fever/chills, aches, nausea...all of that, in addition to the headache and runny nose, chest cough stuff that I had all day.

So, Olivia and I are sick girls. Natalie just left for Gigi and Grandpa's to spend the night and do her school at their house tomorrow. I might have to put a call into Papa to keep Parker a while tomorrow, if I still feel like I do now.

Anyway, a boring update, just so you know why I haven't done the other updates and photo/video posts. I feel yucky!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Red Lobster Date with Parker

A video for now, and details about our day together in another blog when I get time:

Sorry for the whole chewing with his mouth open and talking with food in his mouth. He was kind of being silly. He wanted me to "take a picture" of him eating and drawing.


Here's a blog, as promised (before midnight on Friday) - just not one of the titles I said would be posted. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. Patience, please!

Technically, the weekend doesn't start until Saturday - right?

I was taking a quick shot of her in the outfit she wore for "crazy sock day" at school last week, and she wanted a photo of her hugging the dogs. Someday, I want to be able to take the time to get some real portraits of the kids with the dogs. I just haven't had time.

Crazy Sock Day at school. This was the craziest I could find that morning.

This was in the yard during the ice storm.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Coming Soon...

I'll post some updates before the weekend - I promise.

Blogs to come:

Last Thursday (My Date with Parker) included.

Big Boy Haircut and included.

Valentine Weekend.


I know there are more things I wanted to blog about, but I'm so far behind that I can't remember some I wanted to include last week. Maybe, I'll remember them later and add them. I'm really tired right now.

I did a newborn session today (three hours of trying to get her to be sleepy and "moldable"). She only slept about 5 minutes, and the rest of the time she was fussy. Natalie was my assistant for this session, since there were no children there, and it was a quiet newborn session. (Well, it wasn't so quiet, because the baby was fussy.) We'll try again another time and include her family with her, too. (She has 2 big brothers.)

Anyway, here are a few that I got during the 5 minutes of sleep:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sweet Valentine

Take a look at my business blog and read the entry that won the gift certificate contest.

I'll try to blog tonight or tomorrow. I've got some cute video of Parker to post, when I get a chance.

Parker is sick today. Billy is gone hunting geese all day. I am so far behind on EVERYTHING!

Too much needs to get done today and tomorrow. Pray that I will accomplish the most important tasks on my list - quickly and effectively.

Fun posts coming soon.......

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bling Bling

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bet Schmet

There is no point in making a bet with your husband and winning the bet. It was nice while the dream lasted. (It was sort of halfway fulfilled for one day.)

I'm tired, achy, overwhelmed, discouraged, unappreciated, and anxious.

I'm just typing out the negative words, so I can get them out of my head and focus on positive words while I'm at the track in a while. I'll just keep repeating positive words while I train.

I love this life...I love this life...I love this life...It could be worse.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winning Bet

I just won a bet with Billy, when the Steelers took the Super Bowl. It was the first time we've been supporting opposing teams, and it was fun.

Highlight of the game was the 100-yd return for a TD by Harrison. Way cool. Usually, I don't enjoy pro as much as college football, but the Super Bowl is an exception, and this game was good.

So, for this whole week, Billy will be doing the dishes after dinner, picking up and cleaning up the family room each night before bed, and taking the trash out EVERY DAY.

I have a crazy busy week, so winning the bet will be a big help.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Backtrack to Christmas

Posting a few photos from our Christmas trip that never got posted. I'm trying to clear some photo space on the laptop. (It's too cold to do much today, but I have a ton I need to be doing. Trying to do something that doesn't take a lot of brain power right now, because I'm really, really sleepy and also helping Nat with school.)

Pray that I get a lot of business stuff and household stuff done this week. I'm overwhelmed and feeling like it's never going to all get done. I just can't do it all myself.

My training starts tonight, and it's freezing. Yay! I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Now, some random shots from our trip:

The underground cave.

Natalie and Parker loved the cave.

I didn't get to go all the way down to the bottom. Olivia was scared the whole time, and about 70% of the way down, she said she had to go "poopy". I had to take her all the way back up (lots of stairs) and miss the rest of the tour. Another lady followed us back up, because she was having trouble traveling the stairs. Olivia didn't go "poopy" when we went to the bathroom.

The traditional gingerbread house Daddy and the kids made.

In The Butterfly Palace. See the butterflies flying around them?

Living angel. They do this for their White Christmas special thing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 Logo is Finalized

The first image, which is the actual logo, is the one that goes on all the marketing materials and client info. stuff. The second image is the one you see on the website and on packaging.
(The color change happened, because the draperies and other stuff I want to use in the new studio are blues and browns. That was what I wanted originally, anyway.)

Kick Start

I received my first donation for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Thanks, Dad!

I'm starting my official marathon training on Monday.

I'm thinking about having a certain amount from each client session fee (from now until October 1st) serve as a donation. I just haven't decided what amount, and if I want it to come from the session fee or from the portrait order.

Yesterday, I had a big chunk of the day to myself, with big plans. Olivia was at school until 3:00, Natalie was at Gigi and Grandpa's doing school, and Parker had school until 2:30.

Before I even got out the door in the morning with Olivia and Parker, to take Olivia to school, I received a call from an ad. rep. asking if I would accept the position as the only photographer on the front cover of the new Ada-area phone book. This costs me an additional fee, besides the big amount I'm already paying for my ad inside the book. I accepted, because I did see the results of my phone book advertising last year, and the advertising (expensive as it is) does pay for itself with just a few good clients (especially senior sessions).

Then, as soon as I got home and started on one of my business tasks that had to get done yesterday, I received a call from another ad. rep. with another phone book company that I turned down last year. I worked a good deal for the book ad and online, so it cost me less than what they wanted for just the online last year.

Anyway, both of the ad. rep. calls took a long time. Plus, I had to send some files with the logo, etc. Then, I received a call from a woman I met last weekend (by chance). She is a small business owner (massage), and she wants to do some dual marketing and also for me to display in her shop. Her call was about an opportunity with a commercial project for another local small business. The massage lady is part of a barter group, and the job was being offered/requested through that group. I said I would be interested, and she gave me the contact info. for the guy who runs the group. I called him and we scheduled a coffee shop meeting for 1:30.

I knew the guy who runs the group, because Jeremy used to live with him a long time ago. I hadn't seen him in a long time, except for his photo in advertising, because he's in real estate and several other businesses. Anyway, the meeting went well, and I said I would join. Now, I'm sort of doubting that I will get enough offers for my service for it to be worth my monthly membership fee for the group. I'll just give it a 3-month trial and see if it's worth it to me.

After our meeting, I picked up Parker. He was asleep on the carpet when I went in to get him. The teachers apologized and said they wore him out and they had been playing outside. I was worried he might be sick, because he would never fall asleep at school like that. When I woke him up to carry him out, he said, "Mommy, I'm sick." He was. He was really, really hot by the time we got home after picking up Olivia, and he said he was going to throw up.

I didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm trying to catch up on the priorities that didn't get handled yesterday because of the interruptions to my plans by ad. reps. and other new opportunities.

So, lots going on for me with the business, and I need to wrap things up so I can kick start client sessions for the year and start making money again!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dallas 3-Day Walk

I registered for the Breast Cancer 3-Day in Dallas this November. It's something out of my comfort zone, since we will be sleeping in a two-person tent two nights in a row!

Anyway, I started a team, Pink Princess Parade, and my sister, Laura, said she will join me. Another sister and niece may join us, as well. It gives us something to look forward to, and we have a lot of months to prepare. (60 miles over the 3 days!)

I have to raise a minimum of $2,300 myself, so if you want to help, please donate under my name. You can use the link posted on the blog to the right, just above my other links, or you can do a search for my name when you go to the website to donate,

Monday, January 19, 2009

We've Been Robbed

Sometime between midnight (when I went to bed) and probably a little before 5:00 a.m. (when Billy got up for duck hunting), someone got into Billy's truck and stole his favorite handgun ($900+) and his friend's dog-training collar ($350). Billy will have to buy his friend a new training collar. Our homeowners' insurance covers all of Billy's guns.

*Edited: We have a $1000 deductible, so Billy is not going to mess with it, since it would only be for a few hundred dollars and would then probably raise our rates.

Billy (or possibly something else) interrupted the thieves, because they were unable to finish taking his shotgun, his wallet which they didn't have time to notice stuck in the visor, and anything else. They had turned the floor-mounted display screen for the back-up camera, so they were probably trying to get that off of there when they were interrupted. There may be a few more things missing that we can't tell yet.

I think Billy has figured out that he should have installed the new security light over the garage a long, long time ago. We'll be getting video surveillance, too, for sure.

The sheriff said that the DA officer guy that lives at the end of the dead-end part of our neighborhood was robbed recently, as well, and they cleaned out his gun collection completely, including a State-issued suppressed rifle (with a silencer). The sheriff also commented that we never had break-in trouble in our neighborhood area until the newest housing addition went in less than a mile past the entrance to our neighborhood.

It's been about 5 years since we had that creepy casing incident, while Billy was out of town on business, and I was home alone pregnant and with a baby (Natalie) in the house with me. We should have added the outdoor cameras to our security system at that time.

Anyway, we are both sick to our stomachs.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Anna and Isaac

Not finished editing these, but you get the idea of what we captured. It was cold and a little chaotic with my wild Indians there, too, but we still got some cute ones.

Weekend Update

My best friend's baby arrived safely by C-section. She's adorable and looks like her brother more than her sister (so far). Steph and the baby are both well.

We had a good time yesterday with two of my sisters and Anna and Isaac (my niece, Leah's, two cuties). I'll post photos of Anna and Isaac later today or tomorrow.

Here are a few "behind-the-scenes" shots from yesterday while we were waiting for the aunts and cousins to make it to our little photo session with Anna and Isaac (as a surprise for their mom).

Metering for the graffiti wall. This is Natalie's favorite spot on the wall.

Parker bringing me some more gear. What a good assistant.

Always the model.