Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prayer Request

Please pray for strength and God's peace for Stephanie's whole family right now. They lost Stephanie's niece, Jade, earlier this morning.

Such a painful, traumatic ordeal the family is enduring even as we speak, at the hospital. As their hearts are broken, we pray for emotional and physical strength that only God can provide.

As Christians, we know that God knows what is best for us all, and that He is holding little Jade in the best place of all, but it just can't take away the immense pain the family must endure while still here on earth. As an "earthly being", when I heard of the life-saving efforts being made by the physicians this morning, it was my tendency to pray for sweet little Jade to stay here on earth with the family who so love her and care for her so well - as I don't want any of them to be suffering the heartache they are now. I had to "remind" myself to pray, instead, simply that God's love, peace, and protection be evident to the family, no matter the outcome this morning in God's design for beautiful little Jade.

There are many travel plans being made right now, and Jade's mama will be making a terribly painful flight back home from across the country. Also, Stephanie's brother is on a return flight home right now. He was flying on the way to Stephanie's house this morning (where he will be staying to help her when Percy leaves for Afghanistan), when they were able to catch him at a layover to get him set up to return home immediately. Stephanie has an especially difficult time ahead, as she will be sending Percy off for training and Afghanistan on Tuesday, then flying home (with her three babies) to join her family.