Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tooth of the Matter is...

My baby is growing up - quickly!

Yesterday, Olivia wanted to watch the DVD of Natalie's dance recital. I was sad watching it. For a few months now, I've been thinking about Natalie's next birthday (6th), which is just around the corner, in May. It just seems like such a big deal to me, because of the whole "important first five years of life" thing. It just feels like she's stepping into another segment of life. I just realized yesterday that she will be one-third of the way through her time with us at home, assuming she'll leave at 18 for college - which is the plan at this point. That's just crazy to think about being one-third through that time - especially considering how very, very quickly the time has gone already.

Today, we are all home (except for Billy). I'm still sick with the flu stuff, Olivia with the bronchitis, Natalie with a stomach virus, and Parker also with an upset tummy. Today was Parker's day for school, but I was afraid he'd have diarrhea at school, so he stayed home. I had planned on sending Olivia to school, because she is over any fever, but she was so sound asleep this morning, that I didn't want to wake her up.

So, a little bit ago, Olivia told me something about Natalie's tooth. Natalie seemed afraid to tell me, and she was covering her mouth. I asked her what happened. She showed me that she had a loose tooth. I don't know why she thought I'd be upset. I just started to cry and said that I couldn't believe my "baby" was so big that the tooth fairy would be coming. Olivia patted me and told me, "It's okay, Mama, I'm still your baby. See, my tooth isn't loose. Look at my teeth. I'll still be your baby. Don't cry." It was sooooooooo cute and sweet.

I was just so completely unprepared for a loose tooth already. I'm scheduling Natalie for a dental visit, because I don't remember if that tooth is one that doesn't have a permanent underneath. If she looses more up front, we'll have to go to a specialist and see if we can go ahead and have a temporary "fake teeth" thing put in. There's no way she can go without any teeth in the front all the way to 12 years or so (when they will put in the bridge-type thing with the fake teeth until she can get the implants when she's about 20). So, maybe we can find a nice, generous specialist to cut the cost a little for a smaller temporary bridge thing.

Anyway, here's a little video from a minute ago:

My big girl - nearly toothless.