Sunday, March 1, 2009

Product Photography

I know it's disappointing to keep looking for a blog and find nothing new, and I know a post without photos is not as fun. So, here you go:

I worked on some product photography all night long - until 6:00 a.m. this morning. I have to have it done this weekend.

This is a project for a small local company, and my first attempt at the project was a couple weeks ago, before I got sick. I did some test shots and sent them for review, and they liked my ideas. Then, I got sick and haven't had a chance to finish the project. I'm just ready to get it out of here.

When I worked on the test shots a couple weeks ago, I was really having fun, and I thought that I might want to work more on learning techniques for great food and product photography and maybe get into that a little. This time around, I didn't have my "assistant", whom I was calling "Spritzer Guy", since he was helping spritz water and give me assistance deciding how to place the accessories during the test shoot. Yesterday, "Spritzer Guy" got the flu that I had last weekend. So, I was working on the shoot by myself, and I was already really tired. Plus, I've just been depressed the past few days, so I wasn't in the right mood to work on it anyway. I just don't have a choice, since I have to have it done this weekend.

I may redo it all, but I need some time to review what I got and see what needs to be changed/improved. (I can see so many things wrong with it on my initial review.) Or, I may turn it in as is, because I undershot the commission, thinking it wouldn't be that much work to shoot a series of jars and spices. That was because the original request was just for a setup like with a saddle or just rustic look. I made more work for myself by proposing the food prep style that they decided they really liked. Also, I'm getting paid in ITEX dollars (the barter group thing I got suckered into - and that I'm canceling after the next project I have that I'm getting paid that way in April). So, I'm not technically making any cash for this project. I'm just over it. Maybe, I'll have a better outlook after I'm better rested.

Here are a few shots from last night/this morning: