Here is the cute little story Natalie wrote (dictated to me) and illustrated for the Reading Rainbow Young Writers and Illustrators Contest. She wanted to enter the contest last year, but she was too young. This year, we almost missed the deadline. She was so excited to get to enter this year.
I looked at some of the winners and entries from the past year, and some of them really seem like parents were involved in the writing of the story. This story is straight from Natalie! I think it's actually a good little story.
Some other time, I'll blog about the drama of getting the entry in. I need to shut down the computer, probably, because of the lightning. I just got home and thought I'd better get this posted right away - since Ninny didn't believe I was actually going to post a blog (after such a long time without one)! I've been busy with projects, and I'll blog about them when I feel like taking the time.
More later this weekend.....Promise!

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