Monday, August 4, 2008

Sister Time

So, I went up Saturday evening to meet my sister at a hotel in OKC. We went to dinner (very good) that night. Sunday, we went to Frontier City (in 105 degree heat). It was fun. There were no long lines, and we were able to take breaks to drink and cool down. At one point, we both got overheated and almost passed out. After a long break inside with ice cold water, we felt better and did some more rides. It was a good sister trip. It's so nice to go somewhere with no kids or men tagging along.

I'm just so behind on everything now, and I don't know how I'll get everything done I need to this week. I have a session Thursday and one Saturday (and an office shoot Tuesday or Wednesday), but so far the other days this week are free, and I should be able to wrap up a couple of other projects that are really important - hopefully.

I don't have any pics from our sister trip. I'll post a couple pics of a deer that was out one evening last week.