Friday, August 15, 2008

Olivia's Second Day of School

Yesterday, she said she wasn't going to school, and it was so hard to get her up and ready. I had to carry her into school as she cried.

When I went to pick her up, I saw her on the playground in the corner at a picnic table in the shade. She was sitting with two girls and a boy, and she had her hands up on the table and was sitting there talking like an adult. I saw her shaking her head in agreement as she listened to a little girl, and when Olivia was talking, she was motioning with her hands just a little bit on the table. The 4 of them were looking into each others eyes at they talked, and they all looked so adorable like little mini adults having a meeting. It was of those things that's better to see in person than for me to try to explain - too cute!

This morning, we had a repeat of yesterday morning, and I carried her into school as she cried.

I wonder what kind of mood she'll be in when I pick her up. I really, really hope every morning is not as difficult this year. She's so dramatic and super stubborn. It makes me tired just trying to get her up and dressed and out the door and into her seat and out of the car and into the school, as she refuses and is dead weight and then kicking and wiggling away from me. I need a nap.

Natalie is doing well with her school. We just finished for the day. She learned her first cursive letter today (i). The teacher is still annoying, but I can stand it. She talks in third-person all the time (Mrs. Bere wants you to use your pointer.....). My new thing is saying, "Mrs. Hilton wants you to pick up your toys....., etc." So annoying.

More posts throughout the weekend.....Happy Friday.