Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olivia's First Day of School

She was all smiles on the way in to school.

Her day is from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. It's so nice that it goes until 3, instead of about 12:30 like Natalie's school did. They have a nap time after lunch, and she had to take a towel or blanket for that. When I found out about that Monday, I started talking to her about it and explained that it had to stay at school so she would have it every day for nap time. (The school's rule. They wash them on Fridays.) I was envisioning a meltdown from her on the first day when she realized she couldn't take the blanket home. I thought I had thoroughly prepared her. We even picked a blanket that doesn't mean anything to her, and I explained again this morning that the blanket would stay there at school.

When Natalie and I went to pick her up after school, we had a terrible tantrum on our hands because of the blanket situation. It was so embarrassing. Most of you know the kind of tantrum Miss O can demonstrate.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be better. I guess she did okay at school. Her teacher wasn't very informative in that department. I'll ask questions more Friday to check up on how it's going. Olivia is most likely the most dramatic student in the class, but we'll see. I think she'll do well, because she's so excited to be a "big school girl".

Natalie started her DVD program this morning, also. She actually did two days of classes today, because the first lessons were a lot of getting to know how things work in the classroom, etc. The teacher in the classroom on the video is sort of annoying - very "sweet talking". Natalie really liked her classes. When we got home from Wal-Mart tonight (quite another adventure), she asked if she could do more classes. It was bedtime, of course.

I have a bunch I wanted to blog about, but I'm sooooooo tired, and I have soooooo much to do tomorrow....still so far behind.

I'll try for more updates soon.

Running late.

I asked her if she wanted to wear pants or a dress for her first day. She requested a pink dress. I went with a pink skirt and shirt, and she was happy.

Inside the school, where a lady took her right to the playground and had me tell her "bye" right there. I didn't get to go back with her, and I had to snap a super quick pic. The women at the school don't seem to understand the importance of documenting through photography. First day of school ------ kind of a big deal you can't repeat.