Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Not Fair

I got a call from a local photographer Friday (about something too complicated to go into here), and she happened to have the county fair director in her studio at the time. The fair director saw my website and got on the phone and asked if she could send me the book and application for a booth at the fair. I already planned on doing a booth, but it was cool to get to talk to her directly and sort of be invited.

So, now I'm really getting even more excited about the opportunity to become more visible in the community through the booth this year. I've been planning on doing the fair since last year, but now my ideas are changing from my original design plan. I have a lot to do to prepare. I've changed a lot over the past couple of months (pricing, packages, etc.), and I have to make sure I'm satisfied with my marketing materials in time to have enough printed for the fair.

There is so much that I'm trying to take care of all at once right now. It's overwhelming.

I heard a story about something bad that happened to someone recently, and it just has me feeling sad. Life sure seems unfair a lot of the time.

Parker went to a birthday party with his Daddy tonight. He was a good boy, and he had fun playing with our friend's little girl who is a year old.

I'm posting a couple images from my first "twin" session a couple weeks ago. I haven't had time to take pictures of our kids lately. Plus, the girls are hardly ever here! (I think I have 3 children.)

These two are a month younger than Natalie (5). They are from Tulsa but were in town visiting their Nan (Grandma). We did the session in her backyard by her pond where they got portraits done when they were a year old.

I like this one for some reason. He did not want to smile the whole session. I caught a couple laughs out of him. I think he was being a frog in this one - and I don't think frogs smile much.

That's all for now. I'm kind of in a depressed mood. Maybe something super happy and good will happen tomorrow. Well, the girls should be back tomorrow, so maybe that will help cheer things up for me.