We had a great time in Ft. Worth on Parker's special trip. I'll blog about the train trip later.

(and the parents who love them)
We had a great time in Ft. Worth on Parker's special trip. I'll blog about the train trip later.
Posted by Sarah at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 2:07 PM 0 comments
I'll try to catch up a little on the blog by the end of the weekend. We'll be leaving in the morning for Parker's train trip to Texas to visit my friend, but I'll try to get in a couple short bits I want to say before then.
A quick one for now, before I forget:
Yesterday, Gigi, Natalie, Parker, and I were running errands while Miss O was at school. Parker was hungry and requested McDonalds. When we walked in, he saw the toys in the case by the door and was admiring them ("Wow!"). They were Star Wars things (ugly and useless). I said quietly to Gigi that he wouldn't even notice that he didn't get a toy if we didn't get him a Happy Meal.
On the way to the counter, Parker looked up at me with his bright, expecting eyes and said, "I want a happy toy, K, Mama? " So cute. Of course, he got a "happy toy", and he loved it because it was the space ship, which was an airplane to him.
More little bits and updates coming soon....
Posted by Sarah at 1:54 PM 0 comments
I took a quick pic before we got in the car this morning, because I thought she looked cute - especially considering how quickly we put her together, since we were running behind.
I didn't have much time at all to get her ready, and the outfit I had picked out had jeans that were too small. So, we grabbed a dress that was fast and easy to put on, and I did her hair a way I haven't done it before, with just the little bit on one side pulled back. I just didn't have time for much more, and I ended up liking her hair that way, so I'll do it on purpose again sometime.
Olivia was in a really goofy mood when she woke up - much better than being really grumpy. She was being so silly.
When we got to school, the bus kids were just getting there, so she walked back to the playground with the teacher and that group. She didn't cry as much as usual (as far as I could hear), so maybe it's getting better and the crying won't last much longer.
You can tell she was in a really, really goofy mood!
Posted by Sarah at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 11:27 PM 0 comments
I did an update yesterday, and I lost the whole thing I typed before I could post. It was really frustrating. So, I'll just do a different little update and talk about the other stuff I had put at another time. I don't have time for much right now.
Olivia still cries every morning when she has to go to school. I hate walking away, hearing her cry for her mama.
We had parent meeting last night at her school. She liked it that Natalie and Parker got to go to her school and play with her while we were in the meeting.
Billy wouldn't let me volunteer for President, so I didn't. He said I don't have time. (He's right, but I really wanted to have some control over decisions.)
Oh, apparently, Olivia's school is a 3-year-old program only. We didn't really find out too much about the program before she got in, because we were just happy to have a relative running a program so she could get enrolled and not be stuck on the waiting list at the other one. So, we're going to check on the Christian preschool Billy's coworker talked about, and Parker and Olivia will both go there next year, if we can get them in.
I'll try to get some pics or something more exciting posted tonight or tomorrow. This is a really busy day for me.
Posted by Sarah at 12:52 PM 0 comments
We got icees before we went to the park (tradition) to watch the fireworks.
Parker enjoyed the fireworks the most!
...and more of Billy's.
Posted by Sarah at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Last weekend, while the girls were at the lake, we took Parker to see the fire truck. He was wearing his fire hat that plays the siren sound when he pushes the button on the hat. He pushed the button on his hat while he was in the driver's seat. He was so excited when we got out of the car, and he wanted to run the whole way to the truck. He is such a BOY!
And...I'm pretty sure he's the most handsome, smart, and definitely the sweetest little boy ever to live. Tootsie Roll in his mouth.
Posted by Sarah at 10:02 PM 0 comments
I decided to re-watch The Notebook tonight while I was editing photos. Silly me. I hate when I can't help but re-watch or just watch movies I know make me cry and get too emotionally involved. So lovely and sad a love story. Now my head hurts, in addition to my back being out and my shoulder not being able to move properly.
Anyway, Billy is at poker night, and the kids went to bed early. They didn't stay in bed early, but they were first put in bed early. I spent about an hour and a half trying to get them to stay in bed. They are all quiet now, and I'm just blowing my nose from the movie.
I haven't been very productive today, because of my back.
Last evening, I was taking a little nap, so I could stay up late and get stuff done when the kids went to bed, and Billy came in to get me up a little before 6:30 p.m., because Chicken was having contractions. He said she moaned a little and was having a contraction, and she went over to her box and was in there about to have the babies. She is the silliest and sweetest cat. She really wants my help when she's having the kittens. She did just like the first time, and she wanted me right next to her, helping her. It took about 3 hours, I think - maybe 3 1/2. She has 6 little ones this time (last time was 5). She is such a great little mama.
Natalie got to see the whole thing. Birth is so amazing. I'm so glad humans don't birth the same way cats do - the whole placenta-eating thing, etc....SO GROSS!
Great....The TV is still on, and the movie Message in a Bottle just came on - another tear-jerker. I don't want to watch, but I think I can't help it.
I'll try to catch up on blogging later. I guess I'll watch another headache-inducing movie while I work on some other projects, until Billy gets home. I can't help myself.
Posted by Sarah at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Yesterday, she said she wasn't going to school, and it was so hard to get her up and ready. I had to carry her into school as she cried.
When I went to pick her up, I saw her on the playground in the corner at a picnic table in the shade. She was sitting with two girls and a boy, and she had her hands up on the table and was sitting there talking like an adult. I saw her shaking her head in agreement as she listened to a little girl, and when Olivia was talking, she was motioning with her hands just a little bit on the table. The 4 of them were looking into each others eyes at they talked, and they all looked so adorable like little mini adults having a meeting. It was hilarious...one of those things that's better to see in person than for me to try to explain - too cute!
This morning, we had a repeat of yesterday morning, and I carried her into school as she cried.
I wonder what kind of mood she'll be in when I pick her up. I really, really hope every morning is not as difficult this year. She's so dramatic and super stubborn. It makes me tired just trying to get her up and dressed and out the door and into her seat and out of the car and into the school, as she refuses and is dead weight and then kicking and wiggling away from me. I need a nap.
Natalie is doing well with her school. We just finished for the day. She learned her first cursive letter today (i). The teacher is still annoying, but I can stand it. She talks in third-person all the time (Mrs. Bere wants you to use your pointer.....). My new thing is saying, "Mrs. Hilton wants you to pick up your toys....., etc." So annoying.
More posts throughout the weekend.....Happy Friday.
Posted by Sarah at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Olivia and Natalie where playing yesterday, and Olivia wanted to be the mama. A few minutes later, Natalie was complaining that Olivia wanted to be the "real" mama. I heard Natalie tell Olivia, "If you're going to be the real mama, then you have to be really stressed out all the time, if you're a photographer." It was so funny.
Posted by Sarah at 11:39 AM 0 comments
I took Olivia to meet her teacher this morning. She did some "games" with Olivia while I filled out papers in another room. When I came to get her from the classroom, she said, "It's fun!"
She starts school on Wednesday. I let Natalie watch a few minutes of her first lesson DVD earlier, so she could see her teacher for the year.
We've decided to move Parker's room to where the office is now. We will move the office to where Parker's room is now, and then we'll knock down the wall between the two closets (the master and the office), so we'll have a larger walk-in closet for our master. I think it will work really well and make a big difference for us.
I have a couple things to blog about, but I'll have to do some quick ones later today. That's all for now. Super busy.
Posted by Sarah at 11:34 AM 0 comments
Last weekend, before I left for OKC to meet my sister for our little weekend getaway, the kids got to help make pizza. We didn't make the dough from scratch, but they got to put on the toppings.
Earlier in the morning, I took Natalie and Olivia to some garage sales, because it was the city-wide garage sale weekend. There weren't that many sales, because it is just too hot for that. Natalie got a couple dolls (she didn't need), a hat that she keeps wearing all the time, a gold headband, another stethoscope (real, of course) so she and Olivia can each have one, a furry shoulder wrap for dress-up, and I got Parker a few pairs of jeans for play pants. Natalie also got an old film Pentax camera that she uses all the time now.
Oh, while I was getting ready, Billy was watching King Kong (the new one), and I got caught up watching most of the last parts of the movie. (I intended never to watch it, because it was one that I knew would make me cry.) Anyway, I cried a bunch at the end (of course), and Parker went to the kitchen and got a roll of paper towels and came and stood in front of me and tore off a sheet of paper towel and handed it to me and said, "Here, Mama." It was so cute and sweet.
Natalie documenting the pizza making with her garage sale find (and wearing her garage sale hat and headband at the same time).
These really are pizzas, just not the usual shape.
Posted by Sarah at 1:01 AM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 12:37 AM 0 comments
I just pulled up my cart to order the rest of my marketing materials for my booth at the fair, and I was about to order, when I decided to check somewhere else online for a coupon of some sort for the company I use for my materials. I found a link and used it. When I pulled into my cart again, I had a savings of $230! That's a huge savings, obviously! I chose to pay a little more for shipping to be sure the materials make it in time for the fair.
When I saw the difference in what I was about to pay and what I ended up paying, I actually cried and said, "Thank you, God." I kept putting off sending the order through all day long, even though I finished off the last brochure earlier today. I was dreading the big charge. Now, I'm so happy about the savings, and so glad I didn't send the order through earlier today and pay $230 more than I needed to. I'm so relieved. God is good!
Posted by Sarah at 12:05 AM 0 comments
So, we only did the indoor session with my little client Miss J tonight, because we had rain. We'll do her outdoor session next week.
She is a 2-year-old and completely demonstrated that during her session. So independent and ready to do her own thing, which didn't include staying in one spot or "pose" for longer than 1/2 second. It was sooo hard to capture her staying still a second and allowing me time to focus. I was up and down and all around just like she was. She has definitely changed since I photographed her last November. Though, she actually didn't stay still much for that session, either. She just has more hair than she had before.
I so prefer outdoor sessions with little ones. They rarely stay in great position for the studio lights when they're around 2-3 yrs. I'm looking forward to the outdoor session with Miss J next week. I won't be moving lights around while I'm also moving constantly. I'll just put my "assistant" to work with the reflector when needed.
There was something else I was going to add to the blog tonight, but I can't remember it now. Here's an image from tonight....Oh, I just remembered what I was going to say.....
Before the session, Billy and I ran into the flooring store so I could get a piece of flooring for the shoot, since the space we were using didn't have wood floors, and I really wanted to use that instead of extended backdrop. The image I pulled quickly to post here is one that shows the floor well, so you can see that it worked out really well. I'm so glad we stopped in and got the flooring cut before the session. I'm looking forward to using it more. Anyway, here's an image (not fully edited, because I'm too tired tonight) of Miss J actually staying still for about 2 seconds (because of a bribe).
Posted by Sarah at 11:31 PM 0 comments
It's been a stressful week.
I have a few photos I need to take off the camera and post from last Saturday before I left to meet my sister in OKC. I'll try to do that tonight or tomorrow.
I have a session this evening. and we're doing both indoor and outdoor.
The girls are not going to dance this year. We can't afford it. Plus, tonight is the last night to get them enrolled, and I'll be at the session during that time. They are going to be really upset when they realize they're not going to dance anymore. I feel bad, because we kept telling Olivia all last year that she would get to go when she started school and was a big girl like her sister.
I went into the cake shop yesterday to price little pastry things to give out at my fair booth next month, and there were so many beautiful cake displays. I would have been a party planner "in another life". I wanted to order a beautiful wedding cake, but obviously I don't have a wedding in which to use it. They are just so lovely. If I were planning my own wedding today, it would look very different than it did. Thankfullly, I have two daughters who have to let me help plan their weddings (they do have to, don't they?). I already have Natalie's planned, anyway.
Oh, that reminds me...I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I already told Billy anyway. (I got in trouble with Natalie for it, too.) Anyway, Natalie has a crush on Billy Ray Cyrus. There was a photo of him holding his guitar in a magazine we have, and Natalie informed me that it was Miley's dad, and she asked me if I thought we could cut out the stuff around him and put him on her wall in her room. I said, I guess you could do that. Do you think he's cute? She was very embarrased and told me not to say that.
Yesterday, Olivia tore the magazine right through that image of Natalie's crush, and she was so upset with Olivia and told her that was Billy Ray Cyrus and she was going to put him on her wall. I told Billy about it, and later he asked Natalie if she had a crush. She said to me, "I told you not to tell Daddy!" She ran and hid and was upset.
Yesterday, I got the site reserved for my mom's 75'th birthday party next month. That was one task marked off my list. I don't even want to count how many other things I need to accomplish before the week is up. (Tomorrow is the end of the week, by the way.)
I'm really discouraged and overwhelmed.
Pictures of pizza making with the kids will post tonight or tomorrow.
Posted by Sarah at 10:11 AM 0 comments
So, I went up Saturday evening to meet my sister at a hotel in OKC. We went to dinner (very good) that night. Sunday, we went to Frontier City (in 105 degree heat). It was fun. There were no long lines, and we were able to take breaks to drink and cool down. At one point, we both got overheated and almost passed out. After a long break inside with ice cold water, we felt better and did some more rides. It was a good sister trip. It's so nice to go somewhere with no kids or men tagging along.
I'm just so behind on everything now, and I don't know how I'll get everything done I need to this week. I have a session Thursday and one Saturday (and an office shoot Tuesday or Wednesday), but so far the other days this week are free, and I should be able to wrap up a couple of other projects that are really important - hopefully.
I don't have any pics from our sister trip. I'll post a couple pics of a deer that was out one evening last week.
Posted by Sarah at 10:11 AM 0 comments