Friday, January 16, 2009

Curb Your Enthusiasm

I've lost my thrill of blogging. Maybe it will return after January. January is just always a sort of depressing month for me. Anyway, maybe I'll do some catch-up blogs at the end of this month, or not. I think 2009 will just have a bunch of completely random, maybe less wordy blogs. I just want to make sure I document certain things the kids do and say that I don't want to forget. I always seem to not get to it all in the blogs. I'll try short and to the point blogs for a while.

Here's a video of the girls playing salon after Olivia got home from school today. Parker spent the day at Papa's house, so that was nice for Natalie and me. With Olivia at school and Parker at Papa's, Natalie and I both got a lot done (school and household stuff).

"The aunts" and some cousins are arriving tomorrow morning, so the kids are excited about that. I am, too! Hopefully, I'll have some lovely portraits of my great niece and nephew to post after the weekend.

Oh, also waiting excitedly for a call about the arrival of my best friend's newest little one. She's at the hospital right now!