Monday, October 6, 2008


Get ready for a bunch of random blogs throughout today and tomorrow - hopefully. I'll try to do some catching up, but I'll probably skip a lot that I originally intended to include.

Natalie is learning about the community helper "firefighter" in social studies right now. Parker is enjoying the class.

It reminded me of something cute Parker did last week. He was playing outside and wearing his firefighter hat. He found his firefighter ride-on car and was playing fireman. I saw him switch hats to Bob the Builder for a while and push his big dump truck really fast and do a little, then he switched back to the fireman and was working really hard. He came inside and was out of breath (dramatically). He said, "Mama, I'm tired out. I was putting out the fire for Bob the Builder. I did this (and he made a siren sound). Then, I blew it out like this (then he showed me how he blew it out like a candle a bunch of times). I'm tired from fighting that fire." It was pretty much just like that, and it was so cute how he was panting from all that hard work.

Last week, the firefighters and truck went to Olivia's school. She sat in the teacher's lap shaking when the fireman put on his mask and was talking through it. I saw some photos of the day, and Olivia did not look happy to be anywhere near the firefighter. I know she has seen Billy in gear before, but I guess not with the mask over his face.

We went to see Fireproof last night. It's really good for couples. Of course, I enjoyed it because it had my alternate husband (Kirk Cameron) in the starring role. Aunt Patty remembers how much I "loved" him when he was the "it" guy and big on "Growing Pains". I had such a crush on him and wrote on something at Aunt Patty's that I loved him and would forever love him and was going to marry him. I think I found and finally threw out my Kirk Cameron posters when I married Billy. I guess I transferred my crush to Billy (Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp were somewhere in between that time - with a few others), but Kirk will always hold a special place in my heart.

I have to go help Parker with his circles. He gets so frustrated when he can't get them just right. Poor guy got the perfectionist gene.


phanaway said...

Oh, yeah. I remember how much you loved Kirk Cameron. You talked me into letting you buy a poster and you did sign something saying you would love him forever.

I remember telling you you would forget all about him in a few years. Guess I was wrong!