Friday, October 24, 2008

Quick and Funny

I got to go to Wal-Mart all by myself. I picked up Lisa for lunch, and she went with me to Wal-mart. We just stopped at the McDonald's in Wal-Mart, and Joe was in there with his little girl (Parker's girlfriend), so we ate lunch with him. Then, I had to take Lisa back to work, and I had to go right back to Wal-Mart to finish my shopping.

When I got home a little bit ago, I was carrying several heavy bags, along with my keys and phone, and I dropped the keys on the porch as I was trying to unlock the door.

I quickly said out loud to the feline at my feet, "Chicken, will you get those for me, please." Seriously. I wasn't joking. For a second and a half, I was actually waiting for her to pick them up and hand them to me. I'm just so used to having little ones scramble to grab the keys if I drop them. Plus, I'm slightly sleep-deprived.

I'll try to get the backed-up blogs in late tonight. I have sessions both weekend days. Plus, I'm really far behind on other client things I have to do this weekend. Not sure how it's all going to get done by Monday.

Hopefully, Billy and a friend and I will be going to a haunted house tonight. I hate to take the time, but if we don't do it tonight, we won't get to. We missed them last year, because we were a little late.

K. More later (with pics).