Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Naked Truth

This happened last Friday or Saturday...

Billy and Parker were taking a nap in Parker's room. The girls were coloring at the table. I yelled to Billy that I was getting into the shower, and I told the girls to be good.

I got out of the shower to find Parker's door open, with Billy in Parker's bed alone. I could see that the front door was wide open, because of the extra light coming in. I had a small towel around my shoulders, and I was holding my dirty shirt across the front of me (barely), as I walked around the corner from the hallway to see if I could see the kids in the front yard.

At the same time I walked around the corner, my neighbor (girl one, this time) was standing right there at the open front door, with the glass door slowly shutting like she had just been standing in the entrance, and she's looking right at me (naked me). She said that she came over to tell me that her little girl and her cousin came over to play with the kids. I had to keep standing there (naked) while I yelled to Natalie about where the little step was for the trampoline, because the kids were trying to get up there. I told the neighbor that I had no idea the kids were even out there. Finally, I said, "I'm going to put some clothes on." Then, I shut the door.

Then...I walked into Parker's room (where Billy was still asleep, despite Parker having to crawl across him to get out of bed, and despite the noise that I'm sure the kids made when Parker got up and when they ran outside), and I slapped Billy's leg. I told him to get up and go talk to the neighbor. I was so, so mad at Natalie for going outside and, especially, for not coming in to tell me that the neighbor came over, and for leaving the door open. I was so, so mad at Billy for not paying attention, when he should have been in charge.

We never have the neighbor kids come to play, anyway, because (frankly) I don't have time to watch over people's children or play around outside with them. Many people don't seem to realize that I work (hard). My business is so time-consuming, and besides that I'm homeschooling one, taking another to school and picking her up and trying to keep a third one out of trouble. Plus, trying to keep the house organized and clean. Plus, trying to find time to sleep a little.

Anyway, that was the first time the girl had come over to play, because when she yells across the street that she wants to come over and play, I say that we'll have to plan for it another day. Apparently, the girl and her cousin slipped away from her mom while the mom was cleaning out the pond.

So, later that evening, we got home and came right inside. Several minutes later, I heard the front door handle being jiggled like someone was trying to get in. Then, after several jiggles, the knocking and the doorbell. Of course, it was the neighbor girl asking for the kids to come out and play. I don't really like neighborhoods, but I also don't like the country. I kind of thought we had it pretty good here, because we're out of city limits but still a neighborhood, just with a lot of space between the houses. Now, I don't feel like we have much privacy. I'm sure the neighbors are tired of hearing the kids scream all the time, too - and us scream at them to stay near the house, etc. Now, I'm not even safe from intrusion in my own house. I really like my privacy at home, and I'm not the kind who has an open-door policy.

So, the count for neighbors who have seen me naked, because my children disobey and open or leave open the front door when I tell them not to: 2. At least this time it was a girl. The other neighbor (man) who was the first victim of my nakedness is still trying to come up with reasons to come over and ask to borrow things, ask questions, etc. I don't think the neighbor woman will be as eager to peak in the front door.

I'm going to be Lady Godiva for Halloween, so the rest of the neighborhood can see me naked (on purpose) and get it out of the way.

Blogs Coming Soon:

Mini Poodle Party
Hurricane Parker


Stephanie said...

Guess what I'm getting Sarah for Christmas? A nice plush spa robe that she can put on right after she gets out of the shower. That way she can retire Lady Godiva. Oh and the male neighbor that keeps coming over? Maybe you should answer the door armed with a weapon, shotgun or rifle perhaps. That might give him a clue.