Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Community Smarts

I'll try to catch up on blogs later today.

I was checking MySpace, and one of the ads is a sheet of notepaper with Middle Town Community College at the top and a "note" that says, "Only Click This if Your have your mind blown!!!" Funny. Wonder if a Middle Town Community College graduate is in charge of advertising. "Your" should be "You're" in that sentence, of course.

I just looked up the website for that community college. Here's a little bit of a "Breaking News" update listed on the home page:

BREAKING NEWS - Middle Town C.C. Gets Accreditation Back!
Middle Town Community College wins fight for accreditation - After more than two years, Middle Town Community College will no longer carry the 'trade school' designation that has marred its academic reputation and yet increased its enrollment. The re-accreditation announcement was made over the school's public address system after a planned address in the main parking lot was cancelled due to a high number of "booted" cars blocking access to Dean Dean Archibald. "Luckily," said Dean Dean Archibald, "the announcement followed a previous announcement announcing the recent installation of the P.A. system." "The public address system was purchased from excess funds produced by a recent crackdown on parking violators.
Despite the probationary status of the restored accreditation, student morale has improved across a majority of the campus. When asked about his opinion on the news, jubilant finance major Eric Kraus shouted, "Man, a credit nation is what I'm all about!"
The school's founder, Gerald Philips, says the future for Middle Town Community College will be just like its past. "We're not going to let this news go to our head. We'll continue to offer the same type and quality of classes. We'll continue to maintain our faculties and facilities. And we'll hold onto our rich history and tradition. Despite this welcome news, we are not going to let it change us or our school in any way, shape or form."


Anyway, I just thought it was funny.

A conversation Daddy and Natalie had the other day:

I was trying to sort through some stuff, and Billy was cleaning out his truck and bringing in more stuff for me to sort. The kids were outside with Billy, and he was sending them in with stuff for me to put away.

Natalie wanted me to stop and go get something out of her room. I think it was her pirate patch or some other pirate thing out of the dress-up stuff, because they were going to play pirates. I told her that I couldn't stop what I was doing right then to go look for that. She was unhappy and went to ask her Dad to get it for her.

Prior to her asking me about that, Billy found $5 in the back of his truck, behind where Olivia sits. (It was $5 I let her hold one day when I went to get them drinks. I never saw it again.) Anyway, Natalie was out there when he found that money, and she said that he could have it.

So, she goes out to ask him to get her pirate accessory from the dress-up trunk, and he said that he couldn't right then. She said, "I'll give you money, if you'll go get it." He said, "Where's the money." She said, "We'll it's in my wallet at Ninny's house." He said, "Well, too bad then. I've got to have the money first." She said, "Well, will you take a credit card with the full amount on it?" He said, "Sorry, it's cash only, Baby." She said, "Well, I just gave you $5." He said something like that was for something else. She was not happy with either of us for a while.

She's always trying to talk her way into getting something by reminding us she has her own money and will pay us back.

Earlier today, I was using the hand-held vacuum I just got last week. It was the first time she had been here to see me use it. Parker was taking a turn when she noticed it, and she said, "That is such a cool one. Can I have that when you die?"

So, in case I die before I get that part included on the will, I'm stating right here that Natalie is to inherit my hand-held vacuum when I die. She is so silly.