Friday, October 17, 2008


Please pray for my attitude. I am feeling so frustrated right now, and also angry and hurt and just a lot of negative feelings.

Sometimes it's okay to speak your mind and express those feelings, and other times it's best to just keep quiet - especially when you have to see those people again. Other people are also being hurt and their feelings ignored, and I can't speak for them when it's not my place, but it drives me crazy for people who should say something to not do so.

It's crazy how many very different personalities there are in this world, and it's very difficult to get along with some of them. It's very, very hard to keep quiet in situations where people you love are being treated badly by those who certainly should know better. It's even harder to keep quiet when people who have no business intruding do so and take advantage of a situation.

Obviously, because this is a public blog and not a private journal, I should stop the voicing of my frustration there. I just need prayer for peace in really "crazilly-handled" situations. I don't like it when my loved ones and their feelings are made to feel insignificant. It's not a good feeling to have someone special to you disappoint you by their actions and then show no care for the hurt it's caused.

It takes quite a bit to make me upset ("angry" upset). I'm pretty sure I've only been as "fired up" as I have been the last few days just a few times in my whole life. But, when I do get that way, I REALLY get that way.

Moving on.....but still angry and frustrated by my inability to express my anger to the right people, and still very disappointed in some.

A lighter note:

Natalie looks really cute playing tennis on Wii. I think she's pretty good. She's got a good serve. Ninny bought a Wii, and Natalie and her Daddy are enjoying playing bowling and boxing on it. I'm glad Ninny bought a Wii, since I didn't get to buy Billy one for his birthday, as planned.

Overwhelmed right now. I'll try to be cheery and full of love and peace for all, when I type my next blog. It may be a while before there is a next blog.

A quote from Bambi: "If you can't say anything nice...don't say nothin' at all." (Not always applicable, in my opinion; but, it's cute when Thumper says it.) I'll abide by that quote for my next blog and take out my frustrations elsewhere.