Sunday, November 16, 2008

Late-Night Discovery

This is probably not that exciting to most of my readers, but I am really, really excited about it!

I have been struggling with finding a solution to my newest business problem from this past week (preview book issues). I just wasn't satisfied with the provider I was using for the Preview Books/albums, and I couldn't find another one that was cost-effective for me. Finally, I have a solution to the problem (and a new "proofing" method) - I think. I'll know for sure how well it works by the end of this week. So excited, though. I'll tell you more next weekend.

I just thought I should post a blog where I wasn't totally bummed out and bringing everyone down with my negativity. It's nearly 2:30 in the morning, and I just finished making my final decision on the new method, and I'm totally hyped about it. I don't think I can sleep, now! I have more work to do tomorrow to get some things going for this new method - but, Yea!!!! I'm happy and excited - and sleep-deprived!


Stephanie said...

So much for my suggestion to get some rest ;).