Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Contrasting Ideas

I decided to try to get a few photos of the girls to use on my Christmas cards for my business this year, but I decided a little too late. I needed some images for an order tonight, and by the time I decided to try it today, it was getting dark. Anyway, the girls and I grabbed the hat and scarf and headed out in the evening light to go ahead and try a few shots.

I really, really like the old film look, so I don't mind having to bump up the ISO and even adding more of the grainy look of old film when the photos are for personal use. Also, I tend to like a lot of saturation and heavy contrast. Blah, blah, blah...Anyway, these images won't work for clients, but they work for me. There is one that really cracks me up and is so like the girls. These make me smile. So, even though I didn't get to capture the images I wanted for my Christmas cards, I got some unique images that I really like for my personal use.

Here are a few of them. Natalie wanted me to post some tonight, and this is all I've gone through so far. I'll post more of them tomorrow, if I get a chance to play a couple minutes with them. Super busy with EVERYTHING right now.

Oh, I forgot to say again that Natalie amazes me with her natural instinct in posing. She goes so naturally right into the perfect posing. I wish I could take her with me to my next senior girl session and have her there to demonstrate proper posing.

Okay...Done talking. More tomorrow.

Oh, one more thing: Booked my second senior guy today. The guys aren't as much fun as the girls, but I'm happy that I'll have more than one senior guy this year.