Oh, one more thing: Booked my second senior guy today. The guys aren't as much fun as the girls, but I'm happy that I'll have more than one senior guy this year.
(and the parents who love them)
Posted by Sarah at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Every time we go through a drive-thru, Parker repeats everything I say as I order.
I took him to Sonic for Happy Hour after Mom's Day Out. Of course, the girls are still sick, so they got Sprite. Natalie wanted a grilled cheese sandwich, so I got her one and just let her eat half of it for now. Parker wanted a chocolate milkshake.
So, I say, "I'd like 2 small Sprites." Parker says loudly, "I'd like 2 small Sprites." I say, "...a small chocolate milkshake..." Parker says, "...a small chocolate milkshake..." I say, "...one grilled cheese sandwich..." He says, "...one grilled cheese sandwich..." I say, "...and a large Diet Dr. Pepper." Parker says, "...and a large Diet Dr. Pepper."
The woman repeats the order and gives the total. I say, "Thank you." Parker says, "Thank you."
A minute later, I said to Parker, "You've got to stop copying everything I say when I order." He gives his so adorable little smirky smile. A few minutes later, I was watching him in the mirror behind me, and I said, "I'm going to start repeating everything you say, like you do to me." It took him only about 1 second, and he looked at me in the mirror like a dare to go ahead and copy what he said. He said, "pee-pee". Clever little cutie.
Finally, Parker's birthday package from Aunt Janell arrived today. It was mailed on the 3'rd, and he just got it today. I wonder where it's been all this time. He loves the gifts, and the girls loved their little surprises, too.
Posted by Sarah at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Warning: I just read what I typed below, and it's really, really dull and more like a private journal entry full of rambling. You can just ignore it, but I don't want to erase it because I don't have time to keep an actual written journal.
The girls are both still sick. I just got done cleaning up a diarrhea mess from Natalie - second time today (well, it's early in the day). I've been up since before 5 a.m., because Olivia came in and threw up in our bed. Billy was already getting ready for work. Anyway, then she said that there was diarrhea in her room. Natalie was sleeping on Olivia's floor, with a good pillow sham covering a spot next to her. She had diarrhea and covered it with that. Also, I found a HUGE diarrhea mess in the bathroom floor.
Parker is well, now. He went with Gigi and Grandpa to OKC yesterday and had a good time and behaved well. The girls and I painted cards for Daddy, because I didn't feel much like doing anything else (house stuff). I took care of a couple business things that didn't require too much effort.
Anyway, Olivia will be missing another day of school (missed Friday and yesterday). Parker will have to get to "school" (Mom's Day Out) later this morning.
I have no idea how everything (finishing some organizing projects and cleaning) is going to get done around the house before next Monday. I have to have stuff ready by then and be caught up on everything business-wise by then, because I want to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving week with my family. Well, Monday will be spent editing the senior session and portrait party I have scheduled over the weekend. Then, Olivia's teacher will be coming to our house for our little meeting. Then, I think I can do a quick clean Tuesday and finish editing and just enjoy the arrival of family for our fun Thanksgiving festivities. (Yeah...that's the plan. It's not likely it will go quite like that. There will most likely be some stressing going on and some last-minute rush to complete my projects.)
I really should work on all positive, full-of-gratitude blogs for a couple weeks - in honor of the Thanksgiving season. I really am thankful for so much, I just tend to use the blog to vent my negative energies.
Today, I had an aggressive plan on my schedule, but that will be altered now that I know I have Olivia home another day and both girls creating additional cleaning chores for me throughout the day. At least I'll have a few hours with Parker out of the house. Maybe the girls can just watch a princess movie while Parker is gone, and I can do some cleaning then. I've got to work on some personal budget stuff and make a few changes to some business stuff.
I keep forgetting to mention a few Parker things, and now I've forgotten several I wanted to include.
He's counting well, and his favorite song is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", which he sings with such emotion. Uggh...I can't remember what he said last week that I really wanted to remember. It was so cute and smart. He's so sweet. He's so stubborn. He's so completely adorable - most of the time.
I was wrong about Olivia and Parker not understanding that Uncle Johnny was gone and they wouldn't see him on earth again. I think the fact that Parker ended up at the funeral was a good thing. They haven't once said anything about going to Johnny's house when we go that direction. Friday, Parker stopped playing and walked over to me and said, "Mama, is Johnny really all dead?" I told him yes, and he said, "Oh", in a really sad way. Then, he said, "No. He's not dead. He's not." He said it like an adult says it when you just don't want to accept something like that. I don't know what made him stop and think about it right then. About a week and a half ago, I was driving the kids around, and I turned down the road in front of the building where Johnny worked, and I started to look over to see if his car was there. It always takes a while to adjust to someone missing.
Parker is watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse right now, and it's so cute watching him interact with the show. Now, I'm smiling.
Posted by Sarah at 7:04 AM 0 comments
This is probably not that exciting to most of my readers, but I am really, really excited about it!
I have been struggling with finding a solution to my newest business problem from this past week (preview book issues). I just wasn't satisfied with the provider I was using for the Preview Books/albums, and I couldn't find another one that was cost-effective for me. Finally, I have a solution to the problem (and a new "proofing" method) - I think. I'll know for sure how well it works by the end of this week. So excited, though. I'll tell you more next weekend.
I just thought I should post a blog where I wasn't totally bummed out and bringing everyone down with my negativity. It's nearly 2:30 in the morning, and I just finished making my final decision on the new method, and I'm totally hyped about it. I don't think I can sleep, now! I have more work to do tomorrow to get some things going for this new method - but, Yea!!!! I'm happy and excited - and sleep-deprived!
Posted by Sarah at 2:24 AM 1 comments
The air is thick with stress in our house.
I don't feel good. Parker is getting over the sickness (upset stomach). Olivia is throwing up tonight, so I'm up with her and not feeling too stable in my stomach myself - as I'm cleaning up her throw up every once in a while. The laundry is completely piled up - as usual.
Billy is sick with a cold thing, and he's no fun when he's sick: "Hello, Mister Cranky, I believe we've met before." Tuesday night, after a really, really, really horrible day with the kids, Billy didn't even get home from work until 8:00 p.m. I hate the hours he's working now.
I am having to make a few changes/additions to my business stuff this week (has to be done by tomorrow), and that takes so much time and is so, so, so hard to do with the kids here. I have so many things backing up, and too many things are high on the priority list. There simply isn't enough time in a day for me to accomplish all of the priorities I have right now.
This week, Olivia didn't have school on Wednesday, because the school's water was going to be shut off for something that day. Also, Parker missed his "school" on Tuesday, because of the sickness.
I guess I'm going to do a little garage sale Saturday, and then I'll do the 3-day thing in a few weeks. I just need to start getting rid of some of it now. I'll just pull out everything I can get the chance to set up Friday night, and we'll go with that for Saturday. I had already blocked off this weekend for the sale, so I should go ahead and use Saturday for that.
The kids continue to destroy their toys, clothes, shoes, etc. They take stuff outside and leave it there to be ruined. Parker actually likes things to be clean and organized, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by his behavior much of the time lately. The girls are awful about packing things for camping trips and ruining all of my hard work to have things organized. It takes the kids minutes to destroy work that takes me a long time to set up and clean properly. I'm so sick of it. They are not getting ANY toys from us for Christmas. Santa is bringing one toy for each of them, along with a note that explains his dissatisfaction with their lack of respect and care for the things with which God has blessed them.
Completely overwhelmed with the lack of time, lack of money, lack of energy, and lack of respect.
It's really, really unfair that moms don't get the privilege of taking sick days, and if we absolutely can't function and have to take a little time out, we have 3 times the work to do when we're feeling better. Where's my nanny, chef, chauffeur, maid, personal assistant, and business manager?
Thanks for listening. I'll try for an upbeat blog next time.
Posted by Sarah at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Monday was Parker's birthday. We did a somewhat impromptu picnic "party" at our new favorite little park on Sunday afternoon. GiGi made a cake, of course. It was just us and GiGi and Grandpa and Ninny and Papa.
I had planned to do a construction equipment party for him this year (planned since earlier this year), but because of the time of the year of his birthday and the fact that he doesn't have little friends his age that we spend time with, we decided to do just our little family for the party.
On Friday, I told Parker that his birthday was in a couple days. He asked, "I'm going to have a party?" I said yes. He asked, "I'm going to get presents?" I said yes. He asked, "I'm going to have a firetruck on my cake?" I told him he could have the firetruck on the cake if he wanted. Then, I called GiGi and told her to save the construction equipment for the next year and find a firetruck for the cake, because he had requested it. So, he had a firetruck cake.
So, so, so busy right now. More blogs and photos when I can.
Happy News: I had a $950 order at last night's order session. (Would have been more, but I "cut some deals".)
Posted by Sarah at 8:38 AM 0 comments
I could start a whole new blog and just post pics of Chicken Nugget's "Catch of the Day", because she just keeps killing rodents and bringing them to the front door to show me - at least 4 times a week (and that's just the ones she catches while I'm here to show before she eats them). Nasty cat.
She gets all kinds of mice, rat-type things, moles, etc. Here is what she brought me just a minute ago. It makes me sad. Poor little guy.
Posted by Sarah at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Yesterday, after we picked up Olivia and dropped off some stuff at the recycle bins (conveniently located near Olivia's school, which is close to our house), I took the kids to Sonic and then to a nice little park in a neighborhood. The kids had never been to that little park. It's really clean and has neat stuff, and the best part is that we didn't have to share the park with anybody else. I'll probably take them to that park more often, when the weather is nice. It's a lot nicer than the big park, because it's easier to keep up with them there.
Posted by Sarah at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Americas Choice Now - Video
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Thanks to a fellow blogger for posting the link to the great video!
I don't get into political conversations, except with my closest friends, because I'm not very good at debate. I always think of the good responses about an hour later. haha
Anyway, the issue of abortion is one about which I will not remain quiet. I did get into a "heated debate" about it once when I worked at the hospital, and I got so upset, I had to walk out of the department and run up and down the stairs for about 10 minutes. My coworkers had never seen me so passionate about an issue that was being discussed at work.
I'm off to vote! I'll try to get to some catch-up blogs tonight.
Posted by Sarah at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Posted by Sarah at 12:04 PM 0 comments