Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Mess

Ok. Finally...the blog about Hurricane Parker. This happened on the 20th.

Parker never takes a nap. Finally, after probably 4 straight months with no nap for anyone in our house, I put Parker down for a nap. He was crying and throwing a fit for a long time, and then he was quiet for at least 10 minutes, before Natalie and I went to my room to rest. I fell asleep - which I really, really needed.

When I awoke about an hour later, I got up to find Parker's door wide open. The house was very, very quiet. I rounded the corner to the kitchen to find probably the biggest mess we've ever had since the birth of our first child 5 years ago. (We've had a lot of messes - big messes - but I think this topped them.)

Parker was in front of the refrigerator, with the door wide open, and he was pulling out ingredients to add to his mess. Spread all over the kitchen: food and condiments and two containers of liquid dish soap all over the floor, counter, refrigerator, and some other stuff that had been scribbled on with a permanent marker he found when he emptied a canister that was in the corner on the counter. There were at least 6 eggs he had cracked open into the cat food bowl, along with the cat food, an entire jar of A1 sauce, and an entire jar of Taco Bell taco sauce. I can't even describe all of the rest of the mess. The photos don't show it exactly as horrible as it was, either.

It took forever to clean up the mess. It was so hard to clean up the dish soap. I cannot get all of the permanent marker off of my new stove or the counter or my favorite cookie jar.

So, I had Billy change the handle on Parker's door, so it locks from outside again. That's how it was when Olivia was going through the horrible sneak-out-of-bed-and-cause-complete-destruction-in-the-house-while-the-parents-are-asleep phase. Yes, we lock our child in his room now - for the safety of us all! I think that's the only way we survived (literally) the worst part of Olivia's sneaky destruction phase, too.

I made him sit in the same spot for a long, long time.

Community Smarts

I'll try to catch up on blogs later today.

I was checking MySpace, and one of the ads is a sheet of notepaper with Middle Town Community College at the top and a "note" that says, "Only Click This if Your have your mind blown!!!" Funny. Wonder if a Middle Town Community College graduate is in charge of advertising. "Your" should be "You're" in that sentence, of course.

I just looked up the website for that community college. Here's a little bit of a "Breaking News" update listed on the home page:

BREAKING NEWS - Middle Town C.C. Gets Accreditation Back!
Middle Town Community College wins fight for accreditation - After more than two years, Middle Town Community College will no longer carry the 'trade school' designation that has marred its academic reputation and yet increased its enrollment. The re-accreditation announcement was made over the school's public address system after a planned address in the main parking lot was cancelled due to a high number of "booted" cars blocking access to Dean Dean Archibald. "Luckily," said Dean Dean Archibald, "the announcement followed a previous announcement announcing the recent installation of the P.A. system." "The public address system was purchased from excess funds produced by a recent crackdown on parking violators.
Despite the probationary status of the restored accreditation, student morale has improved across a majority of the campus. When asked about his opinion on the news, jubilant finance major Eric Kraus shouted, "Man, a credit nation is what I'm all about!"
The school's founder, Gerald Philips, says the future for Middle Town Community College will be just like its past. "We're not going to let this news go to our head. We'll continue to offer the same type and quality of classes. We'll continue to maintain our faculties and facilities. And we'll hold onto our rich history and tradition. Despite this welcome news, we are not going to let it change us or our school in any way, shape or form."


Anyway, I just thought it was funny.

A conversation Daddy and Natalie had the other day:

I was trying to sort through some stuff, and Billy was cleaning out his truck and bringing in more stuff for me to sort. The kids were outside with Billy, and he was sending them in with stuff for me to put away.

Natalie wanted me to stop and go get something out of her room. I think it was her pirate patch or some other pirate thing out of the dress-up stuff, because they were going to play pirates. I told her that I couldn't stop what I was doing right then to go look for that. She was unhappy and went to ask her Dad to get it for her.

Prior to her asking me about that, Billy found $5 in the back of his truck, behind where Olivia sits. (It was $5 I let her hold one day when I went to get them drinks. I never saw it again.) Anyway, Natalie was out there when he found that money, and she said that he could have it.

So, she goes out to ask him to get her pirate accessory from the dress-up trunk, and he said that he couldn't right then. She said, "I'll give you money, if you'll go get it." He said, "Where's the money." She said, "We'll it's in my wallet at Ninny's house." He said, "Well, too bad then. I've got to have the money first." She said, "Well, will you take a credit card with the full amount on it?" He said, "Sorry, it's cash only, Baby." She said, "Well, I just gave you $5." He said something like that was for something else. She was not happy with either of us for a while.

She's always trying to talk her way into getting something by reminding us she has her own money and will pay us back.

Earlier today, I was using the hand-held vacuum I just got last week. It was the first time she had been here to see me use it. Parker was taking a turn when she noticed it, and she said, "That is such a cool one. Can I have that when you die?"

So, in case I die before I get that part included on the will, I'm stating right here that Natalie is to inherit my hand-held vacuum when I die. She is so silly.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Quick and Funny

I got to go to Wal-Mart all by myself. I picked up Lisa for lunch, and she went with me to Wal-mart. We just stopped at the McDonald's in Wal-Mart, and Joe was in there with his little girl (Parker's girlfriend), so we ate lunch with him. Then, I had to take Lisa back to work, and I had to go right back to Wal-Mart to finish my shopping.

When I got home a little bit ago, I was carrying several heavy bags, along with my keys and phone, and I dropped the keys on the porch as I was trying to unlock the door.

I quickly said out loud to the feline at my feet, "Chicken, will you get those for me, please." Seriously. I wasn't joking. For a second and a half, I was actually waiting for her to pick them up and hand them to me. I'm just so used to having little ones scramble to grab the keys if I drop them. Plus, I'm slightly sleep-deprived.

I'll try to get the backed-up blogs in late tonight. I have sessions both weekend days. Plus, I'm really far behind on other client things I have to do this weekend. Not sure how it's all going to get done by Monday.

Hopefully, Billy and a friend and I will be going to a haunted house tonight. I hate to take the time, but if we don't do it tonight, we won't get to. We missed them last year, because we were a little late.

K. More later (with pics).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Naked Truth

This happened last Friday or Saturday...

Billy and Parker were taking a nap in Parker's room. The girls were coloring at the table. I yelled to Billy that I was getting into the shower, and I told the girls to be good.

I got out of the shower to find Parker's door open, with Billy in Parker's bed alone. I could see that the front door was wide open, because of the extra light coming in. I had a small towel around my shoulders, and I was holding my dirty shirt across the front of me (barely), as I walked around the corner from the hallway to see if I could see the kids in the front yard.

At the same time I walked around the corner, my neighbor (girl one, this time) was standing right there at the open front door, with the glass door slowly shutting like she had just been standing in the entrance, and she's looking right at me (naked me). She said that she came over to tell me that her little girl and her cousin came over to play with the kids. I had to keep standing there (naked) while I yelled to Natalie about where the little step was for the trampoline, because the kids were trying to get up there. I told the neighbor that I had no idea the kids were even out there. Finally, I said, "I'm going to put some clothes on." Then, I shut the door.

Then...I walked into Parker's room (where Billy was still asleep, despite Parker having to crawl across him to get out of bed, and despite the noise that I'm sure the kids made when Parker got up and when they ran outside), and I slapped Billy's leg. I told him to get up and go talk to the neighbor. I was so, so mad at Natalie for going outside and, especially, for not coming in to tell me that the neighbor came over, and for leaving the door open. I was so, so mad at Billy for not paying attention, when he should have been in charge.

We never have the neighbor kids come to play, anyway, because (frankly) I don't have time to watch over people's children or play around outside with them. Many people don't seem to realize that I work (hard). My business is so time-consuming, and besides that I'm homeschooling one, taking another to school and picking her up and trying to keep a third one out of trouble. Plus, trying to keep the house organized and clean. Plus, trying to find time to sleep a little.

Anyway, that was the first time the girl had come over to play, because when she yells across the street that she wants to come over and play, I say that we'll have to plan for it another day. Apparently, the girl and her cousin slipped away from her mom while the mom was cleaning out the pond.

So, later that evening, we got home and came right inside. Several minutes later, I heard the front door handle being jiggled like someone was trying to get in. Then, after several jiggles, the knocking and the doorbell. Of course, it was the neighbor girl asking for the kids to come out and play. I don't really like neighborhoods, but I also don't like the country. I kind of thought we had it pretty good here, because we're out of city limits but still a neighborhood, just with a lot of space between the houses. Now, I don't feel like we have much privacy. I'm sure the neighbors are tired of hearing the kids scream all the time, too - and us scream at them to stay near the house, etc. Now, I'm not even safe from intrusion in my own house. I really like my privacy at home, and I'm not the kind who has an open-door policy.

So, the count for neighbors who have seen me naked, because my children disobey and open or leave open the front door when I tell them not to: 2. At least this time it was a girl. The other neighbor (man) who was the first victim of my nakedness is still trying to come up with reasons to come over and ask to borrow things, ask questions, etc. I don't think the neighbor woman will be as eager to peak in the front door.

I'm going to be Lady Godiva for Halloween, so the rest of the neighborhood can see me naked (on purpose) and get it out of the way.

Blogs Coming Soon:

Mini Poodle Party
Hurricane Parker

Friday, October 17, 2008


Please pray for my attitude. I am feeling so frustrated right now, and also angry and hurt and just a lot of negative feelings.

Sometimes it's okay to speak your mind and express those feelings, and other times it's best to just keep quiet - especially when you have to see those people again. Other people are also being hurt and their feelings ignored, and I can't speak for them when it's not my place, but it drives me crazy for people who should say something to not do so.

It's crazy how many very different personalities there are in this world, and it's very difficult to get along with some of them. It's very, very hard to keep quiet in situations where people you love are being treated badly by those who certainly should know better. It's even harder to keep quiet when people who have no business intruding do so and take advantage of a situation.

Obviously, because this is a public blog and not a private journal, I should stop the voicing of my frustration there. I just need prayer for peace in really "crazilly-handled" situations. I don't like it when my loved ones and their feelings are made to feel insignificant. It's not a good feeling to have someone special to you disappoint you by their actions and then show no care for the hurt it's caused.

It takes quite a bit to make me upset ("angry" upset). I'm pretty sure I've only been as "fired up" as I have been the last few days just a few times in my whole life. But, when I do get that way, I REALLY get that way.

Moving on.....but still angry and frustrated by my inability to express my anger to the right people, and still very disappointed in some.

A lighter note:

Natalie looks really cute playing tennis on Wii. I think she's pretty good. She's got a good serve. Ninny bought a Wii, and Natalie and her Daddy are enjoying playing bowling and boxing on it. I'm glad Ninny bought a Wii, since I didn't get to buy Billy one for his birthday, as planned.

Overwhelmed right now. I'll try to be cheery and full of love and peace for all, when I type my next blog. It may be a while before there is a next blog.

A quote from Bambi: "If you can't say anything nice...don't say nothin' at all." (Not always applicable, in my opinion; but, it's cute when Thumper says it.) I'll abide by that quote for my next blog and take out my frustrations elsewhere.

Senior Session

I had a senior girl session scheduled for Wednesday, and she and her mom and I debated back-and-forth all morning about whether to continue with it that day or not. I decided I could go ahead and do it, once we found out the funeral wasn't until Thursday (and I needed a break away from the stuff that was going on to focus on something like my work).

Anyway, the weather was awful (cold and misty), and I thought we would definitely cancel, but the mom and girl were so anxious to get it done. Eventually, we decided to go for it. I had to have Billy go to be a light holder, since we were working with essentially no sunlight, and I needed someone other than the mom to work with me on it.

I was so nervous before the session, because it was my first senior girl (first senior of any kind, actually). I knew that it was a defining moment - would I like photographing seniors or not? ..............I LOVE IT!

So nice - a client who wasn't running away throughout the session and who could be posed with proper lighting and stay where she needed to be until we got the shot. It was so smooth, and it felt so strange to set up, get my shots, and move to the next pose and/or location. I wasn't used to being able to truly set up my shots, execute the portrait, and move to the next set up. So nice.

The senior girl was a dream to photograph. She was cute and had a good attitude about herself. She had dark hair (my favorite to photograph) and big brown eyes and a big smile. She was open to and wanted some funky, edgy stuff mixed in with a little bit of traditional, more conservative. It was perfect for what I wanted to do anyway. We did some of the more traditional locations/poses first, and then we moved to the fun urban setting (what we both wanted mostly) to really play around and create some cool stuff.

The lighting was certainly a challenge, since the sun did not show through at all. It was cold - dreary and overcast. I did the best I could with what I had, and it worked for the most part. Billy was a trooper and did a great job following my direction when we needed some adjustments to the lighting, but it's hard to get it exact on each one because of location challenges, etc. Anyway, I couldn't have done it without him.

So, the girl will be a "model" for me in the future. When we finish the new studio space, she'll come in and do some fun, creative stuff in studio, which will benefit both of us.

I haven't done post work on the images, yet, but from what I looked over, I think we got a great portfolio for her. We'll see what she and her mom think when I get her preview book put together. I'm a little nervous, because her dad tried to do her senior portraits, and she didn't like any of them. (Well, she kind of liked about 3 out of 600 shots he took.) Of course, he may not have much technical photographic knowledge, etc., (somewhat evidenced by the 600 shots he took), but I'm afraid she'll be too picky about her expressions, etc.

In conclusion: I love senior photography (at least girl seniors)!

Oh, you can see one image from her session on the intro page to my website. It's on the intro tab for the future senior site. Let me know what you think about that one. I like it. It was one that kept standing out as a favorite when I was quickly looking over the session images.

I'll work on some of the processing later tonight, hopefully, so maybe I'll post a few more favorites on here.

Poodle Party Pooper

So, I've decided today that we will not do Olivia's party tomorrow. I just have no energy to even think about the preparations and decorating the location. This week has been exhausting.

I called Olivia's school to ask the teacher to inform the kids in her class, in case they were planning on attending. I never even got invitations to anyone else (just verbal).

I am completely swamped with what I need to get done for my business this weekend.

The funeral service was very nice yesterday. Some drama ensued later that day for some. The drama continues for some.

None of us are in much of a party mood right now.

Drama, Drama, Drama!

...and more DRAMA!

I'm exhausted!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Uncle John

A sad time for us. Uncle John died yesterday at home.

Natalie, of course, understands. Olivia and Parker will not really understand for a while, I think. It will be so sad every time we drive near the area toward his house, because the kids always get excited and ask to go to Johnny's house. I know Olivia and Parker will be doing that still every time we go that direction.

I talked to Johnny twice Friday, and he wanted more photos of his "babies". He loved his babies and he loved to spoil them. We have so many special mementos from him.

Even though we all know he had been sick for so long and was just not doing well, it doesn't make it any easier to lose him. We all miss him, and he has so many special friends who will miss him (and his frequent note cards and gifts).

The funeral will be Thursday morning. Billy is with his dad and brother finalizing arrangements right now.

Parker has the stomach bug now, but he is pretty well today. He threw up a couple times yesterday, then he was playing normally late last night. The girls are just tired and not feeling super great. Olivia didn't go to school today, because we got home so late last night, and she was just exhausted. She's in her room (in trouble) right now, and I think she just conked out. She needs it. We all need it.

The party is still on for Saturday, since I have the space reserved. I haven't even finished her invitations yet, so I bet she won't get many classmates from school to come. Oh well...we'll make it a nice day anyway.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


When I woke Olivia up yesterday for school, she was wearing all of the clothes you see in the photo. She looked so chubby, and I don't know how she got some of the layers on, because it was so tight.

Thursday night and all day yesterday I was sick with a stomach virus - on top of the cold I've had for 2 weeks. I think I'm nearing the end of the sickness. My Saturday session was rescheduled for Sunday afternoon, before I got the stomach virus, so that was good. I'll try to do more catch-up blogs later, but I have to catch up on laundry and some paperwork and client stuff, so it may be a while.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Like It or Not

I don't like all of my children right now. I hope I don't get arrested, since this is a public blog and I'm admitting that.

These long hours that Billy is working are really hard on me, too. My day starts early (like 5:30 or 6:00) when Olivia and Parker wake up because they hear Billy leave for work. Then, the kids act horrible because they are so tired. Then, I can't get Parker to take a nap, because it just doesn't fit into the day right. Then, when we pick up Olivia, she is so hyper, and she and Parker create total chaos and destruction the rest of the day. I can't stand this. They have done nothing but horrible, disobedient, naughty, destructive things since we got home from picking up Olivia. It's not fair to me, because I don't get to go to bed until really late, since I don't get to work on most of my stuff until everyone is in bed.

Billy won't be home until after 8:00. I'm so exhausted, and I'm still sick. I had more fever and felt really yucky today. I was supposed to make deliveries and some other errands, but I couldn't take a shower, because there was a water break and we were without water from last evening until about 4:00 today. Of course, I couldn't take a shower when it came back on, because I had two wild Indians destroying everything.

I am researching locking mailboxes right now, and we will be purchasing one for the neighbors across the street. Parker and Olivia ran other there and got their mail again, and by the time I got to them, they had chewed the corners off a couple pieces. I am so, so, so, so, so, so tired of the disobedience and doing things they know not to do. I feel like I have no control, and I really am trying hard. We have to get the fence put in and be able to keep them in the backyard. I can't take it anymore. Three extreme strong-willed children in one home is exacerbating, and I cannot stand being ignored and disobeyed.

Oh, Happy Birthday to Olivia today. She doesn't get her present or birthday cupcakes tonight, because of all of the disobedience today. Her party is on the 18th.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Cat and Mouse

A couple weeks ago, when we got back from picking up Olivia at school, we found Chicken "eating" a rat on the front porch. She had just caught it during the 15 minutes or less that we were gone. We went inside, after I told the kids not to touch the rat at all, because it could have diseases.

Chicken came inside the house with us, and she got down on the wood floor and was panting really, really fast. I thought she might be sick or something. Her breathing was so weird and she wouldn't walk right. I tried to get her to drink water, and she wouldn't. It took a long, long time for her to be back to breathing normally and acting right. I guess she just ran really hard when she was chasing the rat. Olivia was crying, because she thought Chicken was dying.

After we had been inside for a while, the kids wanted to play outside. I didn't want to let them out there, because I was afraid they would try to touch the rat. Olivia didn't want to go outside past the rat anyway. Finally, I decided it would be okay for them to play out there, with me watching. We had opened the door and were all standing right between the glass door and the front door when Chicken began to run toward the door with the rat in her mouth. I quickly pushed Nat the rest of the way from between the doors and slammed the front door. I was inside, and the kids were outside (with the rat). You should have heard how the 4 of us screamed in terror when we realized she had the rat in her mouth and was right by us trying to get into the house. After the door was slammed, I was still screaming inside and the kids were still screaming outside. The neighborhood probably thought something horrible was happening at our house. I started giggling when I realized how we all sounded.

Anyway, we eventually got everyone back in the house (without the rat). I told the kids to not touch Chicken or the kittens for a few days, because of the rat germs.

Of course, I called Billy to tell him about the rat. When he got home, he informed me that although it was big, it was a mouse - which I actually knew, but rat was a better description because it was the biggest mouse I had ever seen.

So, this pic of the "rat" doesn't show how big it was. I should have set something next to it to better be able to tell the size in the photo.

Mexican Scarecrow

So, I made a very regular scarecrow. He was cute and garden-like with a straw hat with fresh greenery stuck along the side and some yellow flowers hanging out of his pocket, and a bandanna around his neck. I had a Mexican dream the night after making the scarecrow. Then, I saw one of the other scarecrows being carried into the school that morning, and it looked very "normal" like mine, and it was good, too. So, I started thinking about how we could make ours more unique before I had to take it up to the school that afternoon. We went Mexican. It was definitely unique. (Not pretty, but unique.)

That evening at the parents' meeting, I found out that pretty was better than unique and creative when it comes to scarecrow judging. Either that, or the scarecrow judges at Olivia's school are prejudice against Mexican scarecrows.

Billy had seen the normal scarecrow the night before when he finally made it home, and he thought it was really cute and that I did a good job. Then, after the meeting, I told him that we didn't win the contest (or even place in the top 3), and he looked at the pics and said, "No wonder. He's ugly in the face." Poor Mexican scarecrow. I think he's cool.

He had a holster on, but you can't really see it in the pics. He was a lawman.

Maybe the judges didn't like the way it looks like he's sitting on the stick.

Next to our scarecrow, you can see the other "normal" scarecrow. It didn't place, either. The ones that won (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) were all small (kid-size) and not really special - or even that good. I would have picked 3 totally different winners. There were a couple of really cute little ones, like one that had a paper bag face and jewels for the face features and yellow yarn braided like a little girl. It was cute.

Weekend Project

This past weekend, I completed (almost) a project that others can actually see. Usually, I work really hard on projects, and the results are not always visible to others (like business stuff and some "behind-the-scenes" or "behind-closed-doors" kinds of organization).

I moved all of my office stuff to Parker's old room and moved all of his stuff to his new room. I painted his new room and hung some of his artwork.

I will be taking a vintage map to the frame shop later this week, as well as getting frames for two photographs of Parker that will hang on the wall above his bed. Also, I will be putting his saying that I made for him onto another board that will be framed and hung on the wall above his bed. I still have to re-paint all of the trim work, too. Then, I need to get the wood blinds for his window.

I need to complete his closet organization. It's so funny looking in his closet and then walking into Nat's room and looking at her closet completely full of clothes and accessories. A boy's room is sooooooo much easier (no purses, pantyhose/tights, tons of panties, slips, dozens of belts, church dresses, regular dresses, dress-up dresses, summer dresses, undershirts, sweaters for every fall/winter outfit, church coats, regular coats, play coats, all kinds of hats for all occasions, other winter accessories...........). Plus, Parker has less memorabilia to store.

I think I accomplished quite a bit over the weekend. Billy moved the bed for me, but I did everything else. There was a ton of office stuff to move out. (I also went out of town for a photography project.) Anyway, here is what it looks like so far: (I'll post good images when it's all completed.)

The wall art saying and two black-and-white photos of Parker will go above the bed here.

I didn't have the red sheet on the pull-out bed in this one. I also still have to paint his step stool.

There's a kitten under the horse.

Un-organized closet. I'll finish it later this week.

Wood blinds coming soon.

The wooden model airplane is suspended. Don't know if you can tell in this pic.

Blank wall where the big vintage map will go.


Get ready for a bunch of random blogs throughout today and tomorrow - hopefully. I'll try to do some catching up, but I'll probably skip a lot that I originally intended to include.

Natalie is learning about the community helper "firefighter" in social studies right now. Parker is enjoying the class.

It reminded me of something cute Parker did last week. He was playing outside and wearing his firefighter hat. He found his firefighter ride-on car and was playing fireman. I saw him switch hats to Bob the Builder for a while and push his big dump truck really fast and do a little, then he switched back to the fireman and was working really hard. He came inside and was out of breath (dramatically). He said, "Mama, I'm tired out. I was putting out the fire for Bob the Builder. I did this (and he made a siren sound). Then, I blew it out like this (then he showed me how he blew it out like a candle a bunch of times). I'm tired from fighting that fire." It was pretty much just like that, and it was so cute how he was panting from all that hard work.

Last week, the firefighters and truck went to Olivia's school. She sat in the teacher's lap shaking when the fireman put on his mask and was talking through it. I saw some photos of the day, and Olivia did not look happy to be anywhere near the firefighter. I know she has seen Billy in gear before, but I guess not with the mask over his face.

We went to see Fireproof last night. It's really good for couples. Of course, I enjoyed it because it had my alternate husband (Kirk Cameron) in the starring role. Aunt Patty remembers how much I "loved" him when he was the "it" guy and big on "Growing Pains". I had such a crush on him and wrote on something at Aunt Patty's that I loved him and would forever love him and was going to marry him. I think I found and finally threw out my Kirk Cameron posters when I married Billy. I guess I transferred my crush to Billy (Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp were somewhere in between that time - with a few others), but Kirk will always hold a special place in my heart.

I have to go help Parker with his circles. He gets so frustrated when he can't get them just right. Poor guy got the perfectionist gene.