Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's New, Pussycat?

A little bit ago, it was very exciting to be able to feel Chicken Nugget's little kittens kicking around inside her belly. It was the first night I could feel them really well. I kind of felt little movements the last couple of nights, but it was not enough to be able to say it was the kittens and not just digestive movement. So, I decided to check on the stages of pregnancy for a cat to see if I could get a better idea of how far along she is. It looks like I was probably pretty close on my estimate. The actual gestation time can vary quite a bit, so I may not have quite as long as I thought to be able to build her little house before she settles in for the birthing. I'll try to work on it over the weekend. Not sure where to put that project on my list using the priority method.

Billy wasn't really excited about the kitten movement, and he asked me if I think the black and white male cat that I'm guessing is the impregnator is the next-door neighbor's cat. I said I don't know who it belongs to, and I asked if he was going to take half of the litter over there and tell them they had to deal with it. He said yes. I haven't had to give kittens away in years, since we always had indoor cats that we got spayed. We can't keep any of the kittens, but it's going to be so hard to give them all away. Most creatures are so cute when they're babies.

My little creatures were soooooooooooooo whiny today. Olivia wouldn't wake up this morning. She just kept grumbling when Natalie, Parker, and I tried to get her out of bed. Nat was late to school because of Miss O. Olivia never stopped with her complaints and whiny, crying stuff all day. When I told her we were going to meet a friend for lunch, she just kept saying that she didn't want to see that friend. Even when my friend got in the car, Olivia wouldn't look at her or talk to her. She just kept whining. (It's a friend that Olivia normally loves to see.)

I even took the kids to the car wash after we dropped Nat off at school, because I was trying to avoid having to spend the whole day in the house with a whiny girl. The kids love the colors on the polish cycle at the car wash. It always makes them happy. I went to the car wash nearest our house, and I forgot that the wash that includes that polish cycle is 8$ at that one, and I think it's only 6$ at the others. I didn't want to drive all the way across town to get it a couple dollars cheaper, so I just went ahead and did it. I just hate paying to wash the car, and I especially hate paying for so many extra cycles that I don't think really do any good - except to please the whiny kids for a few minutes. It wasn't peace and quiet during the car wash, though, as I have the two kids who repeat statements/questions more than any other kids in the state. The same phrase is repeated again, and again, and again, and again, and again, even after I have acknowledged the statement or questions and responded appropriately. They just keep repeating and ............. "I want colors..............." (Imagine the dots as that same phrase repeated a half dozen times, even after my response.) Then, when the polish colors started..... "Where did the pink go?............." Then, "Mama, look..................................." Then, "I want more. Not enough........................" This is double, you know, because Parker repeats everything his sister says in the same tone and volume. It's only quiet in the house now because Parker, Olivia, and Daddy are asleep, and Natalie is spending the night at Gigi and Grandpa's.

I stayed outside with Olivia and Parker most of the day when we were home. It was really hot out there all day. Parker had another ant attack, and this time he wasn't even playing in the ditch. He was just sitting on the wood railing at the front of the lawn in the shade of the big tree, and he started screaming. I told him to run to me, and when I took his pants off, the ants were just sticking to his legs and feet. They just keep biting and don't let go until I actually swipe them off or pick them off. Parker is just too sweet, I guess. Fortunately, after the first attack, I bought some cooling medicated spray. That seemed to help today. When Billy got home, he treated the yard, so hopefully the ants will die. The kids can't play in the yard until it rains, since he spread the poison. It shouldn't be a problem if it will just rain Saturday.

Tomorrow (Friday), Olivia and Parker are going to spend the day with Papa, because Billy and I are going to OKC. I'm meeting with an advertiser for breakfast in a place between here and OKC, so I decided it would be a good time to go take care of some framing stuff I need for the display window. Billy took off work to go with me and help with some decisions. The advertiser lady is supposed to buy my breakfast, so I really couldn't refuse the meeting - even though I think the business could technically have been conducted over the phone and fax. How can I refuse a free breakfast and a little time away from the whiny creatures?

It seems like there was something else I had thought about talking about tonight, but I don't remember what it was.

Oh, I just remembered what it was right after I typed that. Very exciting news. More exciting than feeling the kittens move.

I booked Natalie's party at the ranch today. I finally got in touch with the owner, and I got a great deal for exactly what I wanted. Her party will be a cowgirl carnival, and I was able to combine a couple of the ranch's party packages to fit the theme just right. We'll have a magic show in the theater there, balloon animals, the huge bouncy slide thing (bigger than the one we have), the petting zoo, the play area stuff, the indoor game room area, and the pony rides. That was all part of the package deal. Then, I have some carnival games to set up, and we'll have face painting, nachos, hot dogs, cotton candy, and popcorn. I'm so glad I decided to have the party at the ranch instead of at our house. It really takes so much pressure from me. I'm excited about the party, and I know the kids will have so much fun.

K. I don't have any pertinent photos to post. I'll try to have photos for my next posting. I know it's more fun with pics.

Oh, yeah...One more thing. When I got back from WOW, Billy told the kids to sing a new song for me. It's "What's New, Pussycat", and it's so cute how Olivia and Parker do it. Billy taught it to them while I was gone. So cute. You just have to hear it.

That's all.