Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Over My Head

Here are a few pics from Easter. I'll post more pics (egg hunts that day, etc.) and talk a little about our Easter activities tomorrow or something.

What the Easter Bunny left on the front porch Sunday morning. There was A LOT of candy. I spent about 3/4 of the day Monday picking up candy all over the floor of the living room, dining room, and bedroom hallway. Olivia and Parker had every bit of the candy/toys from in all the baskets dumped out and scattered all over the main living areas. It was a huge mess and not fun to spend the day doing candy pickup instead of the other few dozen things I needed to accomplish that day. (They also got big baskets from Uncle John a few days before Easter - not pictured.)

It was cold outside, but Parker just had to grab a sucker before we took the baskets inside.

Cold and tired on Easter morning.

This is from the day before Easter, when I attempted to get a few photos of the kids in their Easter clothes. I didn't have the energy to try to fix hair for the girls. We were only outside in the outfits about 3 minutes. They just weren't in the mood for photos, and neither was I. (We've been sick with allergy stuff. Mine started the day after I got back from WOW. I'm actually not sure if it's another head cold or just seasonal allergies. Anyway, it's zapping my energy.) The kids were so wired when we got outside to take these pics. I just couldn't get any. I'll have to try to get them dressed up and take some good photos in studio in a few weeks, when some of my other projects are out of the way.

The very weird picture from Saturday's brief attempt at getting some photos. They were just running around and hugging each other and doing silly poses during the 3 minutes we were out there.


I'm way behind on a lot of stuff I need to take care of this week. Everything is so time-consuming, but it all has to get done. Most of it is stuff I can't work on during the day with the kids here. My only chance to work on it is at night after they are in bed. Then, I try to go walking as soon as they go to bed, and by the time I get home, it's late and hard to work on a lot of it. Then, with my computer running so slowly on most programs, it takes forever to take care of a lot of that kind of stuff.

I need a new laptop so badly. Now, my printer is messed up, and I can't print my invoices/spring newsletter/online order confirmations/payment confirmations/etc. I can't take time to try to work on fixing it until later tomorrow. Also, my burner is not working.

K. I think I'm done complaining for now.

Nothing exciting to report. Oh, except that Chicken Nugget is now pregnant. I thought she was going to be pregnant around December, and Natalie heard me say something about it at that time. She was so excited, and we talked about how we would build her a little place where she could have her kittens and how Natalie wanted to help take care of them, etc. Then, it turned out that Chicken did not get pregnant when I thought she had. Now, she is definitely pregnant. I have no idea how far along, except that I'm guessing by how her belly looks. I'm thinking maybe 4-5 weeks. I'll try to build her little house a couple weekends from now, and we'll start feeding her in there, so maybe she'll go there to have the kittens.

A couple nights ago when I was saying goodnight to Natalie, she said, "Happy Spring, Mama," as I was going out the door. It was cute.

K. More about Easter later.