Friday, March 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It's always hard to try to play catch-up on my postings, and it's especially hard right now since I was gone for 5 days, and a lot of what happened while I was gone I won't be able to blog about anyway. It was the first time I have ever been away from Billy and the kids that long. He has been out of town for that long before with his work, but I have never gone out of town for that long by myself. (Well, I wasn't alone, but you know what I mean.)

So, back to last Friday. My sister, Leah, from California arrived Thursday afternoon, so she got to be there Friday for the egg hunt for Nat's school, and Aunt Leah helped Parker find eggs. The Easter party was held at a kid's ranch. I had never been there before. I didn't get there in time to look around before the hunt was to start, so I don't know a whole lot about the ranch, except that I asked one of the people who run it if they rent out ponies for birthday parties. Natalie's 5th birthday is going to be a cowgirl carnival, and I have been making plans since last May. I still haven't found anyone with ponies who could bring one to our house for pony rides during the party. When I asked one of the men who works at the ranch, he said that they have ponies for rides, but they can't leave the property. They only rent out the ranch for parties, and they give pony rides there. After we left the ranch, I started thinking about that, and I will be calling the ranch Monday to see about scheduling Natalie's party there at the ranch, instead of trying to do it all at our house this year. That would take a lot of stress from me for now, anyway.

Parker's Eggs

VERY upset with Gigi, after she told him he couldn't eat any more candy until he ate some sandwich for lunch.

Olivia finds an egg.

Saturday morning, Gigi, Leah, and I left for Arkansas to be there for my niece Rachel's daughter's 1st birthday party in Ft. Smith. I was miserable all day with my horrible toothache. I was unable to make contact with a family friend in town who is a dentist to see if he could pull the tooth that morning before I left. So, I left town in horrible pain and just wishing Monday would arrive quickly, so I could locate a dentist and get rid of the awful tooth. It was still nice to be there for sweet Remi's party.

Remi opens presents.

Cousin Anna getting so big.

A little overwhelmed. It's her party...She can cry if she wants to.

We spent the night at my sister's house and met my other sister the next morning (Sunday) to start on our way to WOW (women's only weekend) by Tenkiller Lake. We met my other sister and niece when we were almost to our destination for the first night. (I do have a little bit of an issue with the title for this year, since it wasn't really a weekend...Sunday-Wednesday.)

I won't go into a lot of detail about WOW, because most of the people who read this will already know a lot of what happened. It was fun! - The best girls' weekend we've had so far. Possibly, it's because it was the first one where I didn't have a baby (or babies) and/or a pregnant belly with me. Also, it was really cool to rent the house and not have to be careful of how much noise we made, etc. I think my favorite part was our Wii-lympics...and the 4 gold medals and 1 silver medal that I won! Now, Billy will be getting a Wii for his birthday, because I think I was instantly addicted. (Thanks, Julie.)

Anyway, Monday morning, I was able to see a dentist in the area who pulled the painful tooth for me. It didn't take long, and I felt soooooo much better to have it out and not hurting like it was. It was kind of not fair that everyone got to eat a nice breakfast right after we left the dentist office, with gauze in my bleeding empty tooth socket; but, I was still just happy to not have that root pain anymore.

So, I can't possibly blog about everything else that happened during WOW. I think I will just leave it at that because, as the saying on our shirts goes --- "What happens with the sisters...stays with the sisters."

Billy survived fine without me home for 5 days. The girls were at the lake with Ninny and Papa from Friday afternoon until Monday. Billy and Parker had a lot of fun doing guy stuff during that time.

Thursday (Jeremy's birthday), my sister and niece (Janell and Julie) got to fly in Dad's airplane with him. I took a couple pics of them in the air over our house, while Parker and I stood in our front yard and waved to them. After their flight, Parker and I met them and my mom and dad for lunch. Then, Janell and Julie headed back to New Mexico.

Today, I did a couple of sessions and worked on a project, since Billy didn't have to work. I think the session that was tentatively planned for Saturday will be postponed at least one more week, so I'll try to get some things done around the house over the weekend. I think I'll take Easter pics of the kids tomorrow, since Sunday is supposed to be a little cooler and possibly rainy.

More soon...