Sunday, March 9, 2008


I just thought I should get a blog in tonight. I don't want to take the time to think too much about the stuff that's happened and I wanted to talk about. I'll just try to remember some of the things the kids have said and post a better blog tomorrow or the next day. Kind of busy now - a lot busy, actually!!!!!

Billy, Olivia, Parker, and I went to OKC Friday so I could pick up a few things I wanted for Saturday's shoot. I got most of what I needed. (I already knew of a couple things that would not be in stock.) Olivia and Parker were very good, until the last stop when Olivia was just too tired and she started to get naughty. We even went to a couple of antique shops, and they were so good and quiet. Some of the other people in the shop didn't even know they were there until we walked up to the counter. I found a really great bench for a prop. It happens to match our bedroom, but I don't think it will fit well, unless I move the armoire to another wall that really won't be ideal. The bench will just sit in the study for now, until I decide the best place. Anyway...overall, Friday was a very long but good day.

I didn't get many good images from Saturday's session. There were several factors that made it a little chaotic - with a lot of family present and the kids having to wait around a while before we were ready to start, etc. I'm still really, really happy about the new studio space. It feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders to have it. - One thing checked off of my to-do list.....several hundred thousand more to go.