Friday, May 2, 2008

If there is a tomorrow...

(This post is especially for Julie Pie - who apparently is feeling quite deprived having not had a new blog to read for a while.)

I am so, so busy with everything right now. The really positive thing is that I booked 5 new sessions today (Friday) - all new clients!

The next 3 weeks are especially busy with Natalie's end of the school year and graduation from Head Start, plus her ballet and tap recital rehearsals, then her recital, then her big birthday party, plus 2 doctor's appointments and some other obligations. I also signed up to volunteer for something on a day that is busy, but I can't do anything about it but make it work.

I just got back from working on my window display. It turned out okay for now. I went to dinner with my friend who went with me to work in the studio, and while we were eating, I overhead a little conversation in the booth behind us. There was a family sitting at the table (used to work with the guy in Rehab at the hospital a long time ago), and it was the mom, dad, two children, and one of the grandma's with them. The boy, who is probably about 6-7 yrs. old, wanted to go spend the night with his grandma. The adults all tried to explain why it wasn't a good night for that (the grandma had something scheduled for the next morning, etc.), and they ended up saying tomorrow would be better. So, he could go to her house the next day. The boy said, "If there is a tomorrow." It just made me giggle the way he said it, and he was, of course, right. There may be no tomorrow.

Okay. I have to get some sleep, because I have to get up and finish the "spec sheets" to drop off at the soccer fields tomorrow, and I'm hoping the sign shop stays open past noon on Saturday, so I can take care of that while I'm out. We just rescheduled my Saturday evening session for Sunday evening, which is way better for me. So, we might go pick up Nat's birthday present tomorrow evening (except Billy doesn't know it yet).

*Billy is playing cattle rancher tomorrow. He has to get up early and go round up cattle and vaccinate and tag them. Yee-haw! Hopefully, he'll feel like going with me to pick up the present after that, since my session got switched to Sunday, and I can't go next Saturday, because I have two team sessions that day. Yea, for being busy with fun work!!*

I'll try to post an exciting blog and some pics soon. I hope this holds you over for a little while (Julie).