Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Short Bus

Olivia wants to go to school so badly. It was so hard for her all year long when we took Natalie to school or picked her up. We always said that she would go to school "next year" when she was "bigger".

Since Olivia is far down on the waiting list for the center Natalie attended, because they are based on income levels, with low-income families and families with special needs being accepted first, we began thinking of another center closer to our house, which is run by a "cousin" of Billy's. So, yesterday, I went to the appointment to get Olivia enrolled. Because the center is run by a family member (who apparently received a call from Uncle John telling her she'd better accept Olivia no matter what), we were able to get her into the program for fall.

Gigi came to stay with the kids while I went to the appt. Olivia knew why I was going, and she was very excited to hear that I was enrolling her in school. As soon as I got home, she said, "Mama, I go on the school bus?!! I'm taller!" I told her, "yes", even though I don't know if she'll be able to ride the bus. I don't know if the bus is reserved for families who have no other transportation. We'll find out in July when we receive more details about the center. She should be going on field trips, and she would be riding the bus for those, so I think it's okay to tell her she'll get to ride the bus. She is just exuberant about going to school, and she keeps reminding us that she's "taller". I think she'll be all smiles on her first day of school.

The center is much smaller than the one Natalie attended, but it is so much closer to our house, which will save a lot on gas expense for us and the grandparents who helped transport Nat to and from her school and would have been helping take Olivia to that same center if she had been accepted. (It will especially be a money-saver if Olivia gets her wish and is able to ride the bus to school every day.)

Natalie will be homeschooling in the fall, and I'm sure Parker will want a part of that. He'll be good without Olivia at home to conspire with him to create messes and be defiant. Then, next year, Parker and Olivia will both be in the school together for one year, before Olivia graduates.

Anyway, getting Olivia enrolled for school was one more thing off the to-do list.