Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Loud and Clear

I might post a few "mini" posts today. I need to try to catch up on blogging a little, but I don't have much time.

I took Olivia to the pediatrician Friday, because we wanted to get the doctor to write a note about her speech issues. Olivia has not been accepted to the Head Start program we want her in for next year because she is far down on the list for over income and being only 3, instead of 4. They accept 4-year-olds and low-income families and families with special needs first. Since Olivia has speech issues and would benefit from the exposure at school and therapy she would receive when school starts, we wanted to get a note from the doctor to include in her file at the school and hopefully move her up on the waiting list.

The doctor agrees that her missing teeth are most likely the reason, but he wants to do a hearing test before he writes the note. Audiology couldn't get us in until June 12th, which may be too late to help with her getting into the program in August, anyway. The doctor also said that Olivia pushes her tongue forward when swallowing, talking, and just keeping her mouth closed. He said she should get a retainer-type device to force the tongue back.

So, Natalie is out of school until the month of June, when she'll attend 4 weeks of Kindergarten preparation. She's excited about not having to get up so early in the fall when we start homeschooling.

My legs were so sore after the soccer team photos Saturday morning. I did more bending, lunging to demonstrate positions, and stretching around to get shots than I realized at the time. The photos went well, and I finally got the new gallery site and ordering system set up on my website, so the soccer moms are among the first to enjoy the new easier viewing/ordering system. I like it so much better, and I know my clients will too.

After the morning of soccer team photos, I quickly gathered a couple of birthday presents (one for a party Saturday and one to deliver for a party we didn't go to the weekend before), and I dressed the girls in their princess dresses from Nat's party last year because we were on our way to a princess birthday party for a little girl in Nat's dance class. The girls have grown so much taller in the last year. I need to make them new princess dresses. The party was nice, but we were there 3 hours. I was already so tired from a busy week and then that morning's team photos. When we got home from the party, I had to continue working on business stuff, and it was so late (early in the morning) when I got to bed - as usual lately.

Sunday, Natalie got to help her Daddy put together her new wooden playset that she got for graduation/birthday. She was home without the other two kids all day Sunday, because Natalie didn't go to church, and Olivia and Parker went home with Gigi and Grandpa after church. I was sick all day, and it was such bad timing because I had so much that had to be done. I did as much as I could with nausea/fever/chills, etc.

Anyway, Billy finished the playset in about 10 hours total (mostly by himself). The kids are going to enjoy many, many hours of fun on it. We haven't set up the sandbox part of it yet, but I think that will be Parker's favorite part, since he's the major dirt-digger around here. Olivia really loves digging in the dirt, too. She's such a messy, pretty little thing - so girly yet so dirty and such a stinker. The kids have all been really naughty lately. I can't wait for the fence to be put in. The contractor hasn't brought the materials yet, so it will probably be a while before they start. It's never as soon as they say! Once the fence is in, I won't have to be running after naughty kids who go down to the ravine/firepit area or across the street when they are supposed to stay in the front yard or on the driveway.

I'll try to post a few more updates about the dance recital and my studio space and other stuff later.