Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Infectious Dance

I took Nat to her urologist appt. yesterday, and she is now on 3 different meds. They got the urine culture back today and discovered that the antibiotic originally prescribed yesterday was not going to be strong enough to fight the infection she has. They knew yesterday that she had a lot of bacteria in her urine, but they didn't know how severe it was until the culture today. Anyway, they did a bladder scan yesterday, and her bladder is emptying well, so she won't have to have surgery and the scope. She is scheduled for a kidney ultrasound on the 6th. If her kidneys look normal and the new meds are helping, she'll just stay on the meds long-term until she grows more and sort of outgrows the problems.

It's been a long week already. Dance recital practices take up a lot of time and energy. It will be worse next year with both of the girls in dance. Last night, they did the whole run-through, and the little ones started to get restless a couple hours into it. It was my night to volunteer to help with our group of little girls while they had to wait their turn for their two dances. I was so tired from a long day of rushing from one thing to the next and fielding calls/questions from soccer moms in the process. Tonight was full dress rehearsal night. Nat did a good job, with smiles too. Last night, I cried when she went out on stage. I might cry Friday night, but maybe I'll be too busy trying to get good photos to think too much about it and cry. Tonight, I was taking pics so I know what settings will work best. So, I didn't cry tonight.

Tomorrow, I have to go to OKC to get the rest of the stuff for Nat's party (food stuff) and a few more stands and other stuff for my display. At least Nat doesn't have rehearsal tomorrow night.

Have to go. Maybe more later.