Thursday, May 15, 2008

Webbed Feet

I just tried to check my website for the morning, and there is an error connected with my new flash provider site. My site won't pull up right now. I hope this isn't a recurring problem with this company. I just got everything switched over to the flash site, and I like it so much better, but not if I get this problem a lot. Obviously, my clients and potential clients need to be able to view the site. I'm going to have unhappy clients and soccer moms from last weekend calling me all day to find out why they can't view their online galleries and place their orders. Great.

I keep forgetting to say something...I'm kind of sad that I missed Parker's first bee sting. I wasn't there to hold him and kiss him and make it better. He got stung on the bottom of his foot last weekend when he was at Ninny and Papa's house. Poor baby.

I just sent the e-mail with Natalie's Sunday paper Happy Birthday ad. I cried when I was typing the text. I'll put a photo of it on the blog when it publishes.

Off to OKC today.