Monday, January 21, 2008

Pleasant Reading

Billy and I were looking at a gun library online that lists hundreds of guns for sale. Some of them are so beautiful and old. Anyway, among the listings was a survival kit that includes a gun, two emergency blankets, a fire starter, ear plugs, and a signaling mirror. It's the kind of kit that my dad needs to keep in his airplane.

Also included in the kit is some reading material just in case the owner gets lost in the woods alone and wants something to read to pass the time while sitting and signaling with the mirror. The book inside the case is called "Bear Attacks of the Century", and there's a picture of a grizzly bear with his mouth open wide as it's charging toward the camera. It just made us laugh.

In other news:

I don't have anything exciting to report. Except, this is the first time in a long time that I've been home alone. I have about an hour and a half or two hours to myself. The girls are at Ninny's for a while, and Billy took Parker with him to the volunteer fire department meeting.

I have to take care of a photo project proposal while I have the chance. Maybe I'll have something exciting to post tomorrow.

Natalie says, "Oh, sweet nibblets" now, like Hannah Montana says on her show.