Friday, January 11, 2008

Halfway to 60

I never got to blog about my birthday last Sunday. I don't have much to say.

Nothing terrible happened. I think I'm okay with the number now.

Billy and I went out to dinner Saturday night. My best friend sent me 25 white roses and some gorgeous deep purple tulips (both my favorites). I got some nice cards to remind me what number I've reached. My mom made me a cake with the "3" and "0" on it.

I tried to take care of some shopping stuff Sunday night - trying to enjoy some time with a friend and no kids - but I kept receiving calls telling me I was needed at home. I had to cut the shopping trip short and didn't get to take care of what I really needed.

I had so much stuff that I had planned to have accomplished before this birthday. I'll be very busy trying to catch it all up during this year.

Happy birthday to me anyway.

That's about all I have to say about that.

The lovely roses my friend sent. (I put them on the mantel under the canvas just for the pic so you could see the winter display canvas of Nat. I'll have a different one up in the spring.)

After they opened so beautifully. (I could have fresh white roses in my house every day forever and not get tired of them.)

The tulips. (I put them on the writing desk just for the pic so you could see some of my camera collection.)