Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Absent Thoughts

I know I let a big space go between blogs, but I haven't had a chance to take care of everything lately. Obviously, blogging is not a top priority. I'll just post several separate little ones as I get the chance tonight and tomorrow, and I'll try to catch up a little.

I'm pretty excited tonight, because I just found out that my proposal was accepted for the photography and design on the promotional materials project. In celebration, I'm about to do a little online ordering of some studio equipment I was waiting to purchase. Yay!

Natalie and I finished packing for her trip to New Mexico. It will seem a little strange to tell her goodbye for school in the morning and then not see her until Monday evening. She's really excited about getting to go, though.

Nat didn't feel really well today, but she got a flu shot yesterday, and that's probably why. I took her for her follow-up with her regular doctor to get him to refer her to the urologist about her bladder problems. I don't know when they will get her in. I'm pretty sure she'll be having surgery. The medication hasn't helped at all.

In November, I had agreed to a market research thing where I was supposed to watch this DVD on a certain evening, and then fill out some paperwork and have it ready by the phone for the phone interview the following day. Well, when I got the DVD, I couldn't watch it because we didn't know where the kids had put the remotes for the DVD players, and in order to watch the DVD, I had to have the remote to answer some questions at the beginning. When the representative called, I had to tell her that I couldn't complete the DVD without the remote, and I hadn't had a chance to look further for any remotes. So, they gave me several more days, and then they were supposed to call back. Well, I never found the remotes. We actually haven't seen them in a super long time. So, ever since then, I've been avoiding answering the phone when it's an 800 number of any kind. We get tons of 800 number calls anyway, so it's been really annoying how often they have been calling and I haven't been able to answer and take care of it.

Well, we got another TV the other day, so I had a remote for the DVD part (that I think will remain in lock-up away from the kids), and I finally watched the program this morning and finished my paperwork. All morning after I watched it, I was just waiting for the 800 numbers to start. Finally around 9:45, the first 800 number called. When I answered, they never said anything. Around 10:20, the second 800 number (different from the first) called, and it was a recorded message to call a number. I called the number, and it turned out to be a collection place for some name of someone we've never heard of. (We get those a lot, too. I don't know why our number is so popular for people to use as a fake number for contact.) So, the third 800 number call came close to 1:00, and it turned out to be for Billy. Again, an 800 number around 2:30 was for Billy. Then, an 8 something number called after 3:45, and it was an automated presidential pole. Anyway......Apparently, I've been avoiding the 800 number calls for little reason, if that market research company has given up on me and hasn't even been the one calling all this time. I hope they call tomorrow, so I can get rid of the materials. I'm supposed to return the DVD. It was a pilot episode for a sitcom. It was good.

So, I need to stop talking and get to ordering. I'll post more later or tomorrow morning. I'm kind of tired. I haven't felt well for a long time now. After my mom and dad get back from Israel at the end of February, I'm going to finally try to make my appointment with the endocrinologist and get things taken care of. I just want to feel normal and good again.

K. More catch-up blogging tomorrow. Some more pics when I feel like it.