Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Illegal Boarding

This past Saturday, I spent the day moving all of the furniture in the living room and cleaning under everything. We had started smelling something weird and stinky Friday night, and we couldn't figure out exactly what it was. I cleaned all of the cushion covers and all over the big chair and sofa fabrics. We couldn't pin-point the smell. It sort of moved a little as we searched. By the end of our day of thorough cleaning of the living room furniture and floor, it was much better.

Sunday morning, when Billy went into Parker's room, he smelled the horrible smell. After he told me the smell was in Parker's room really bad, and after thinking a minute, I said that the only thing in his room different was that I moved his little ride-on airplane toy back into there while we were cleaning. I told him to go look under the seat which opens up. We've found all kinds of interesting stuff in there before. Well, the smell was so disgusting it smelled like a dead animal, and that's because it was.

Thursday afternoon, I caught Parker pulling 1-lb. frozen beef packages out of the freezer. I took the one in his hand and cleaned him up and put the beef in the trash. He had put his teeth on the package. Then, I found one more on the kitchen floor and put that in the trash also. Too bad I didn't think to look in his airplane for the other one he had tried to bite into and hide.

It was so disgusting in his airplane seat compartment. The beef was spilling out of the little teeth mark holes.

Of course, Billy had to do the clean up for me. I hate being around or touching raw meat under "normal" cooking circumstances anyway, so that situation totally traumatized me. At least the mystery smell is gone.