Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nice Blinker, Lady.

I'm not as caught up as I thought. I still have a dozen or so things to take care of with question answering and sending out information to some people. Plus, I booked another session yesterday, and I have to get that info. out, make some calls, etc. Oh, yeah, and I just thought of something else (invites for a portrait party that have to get to the hostess, and I haven't even printed them yet).

Then...on top of my already crazy busy schedule this week, I had a note from Olivia's school yesterday that they are having Storybook Day this Thursday, and the kids are supposed to take their favorite book and dress up as the character in the book. So, I have to make a quick costume now, too. I can't even get to my sewing machine right now.

Plus, they scheduled my parent-teacher conference for Thursday, which is also the day I have to take Natalie to get some teeth worked on. (Also the day before all of the family gets here, and I have zero time to make the house as clean as I'd like it to be.)

So, the books for the commercial project came a little bit ago. I was so nervous to open the box, because I hadn't used that publisher before, and I was afraid the books would be really yucky. They are okay. I don't love, love, love them, but they're fine for this. I just don't think I'll be using that printer for a whole lot of other stuff.

Alright, no more boring business talk. A kind of funny story, but not really:

This morning, on our way home from dropping off Miss O at school, I was waiting to turn, and a woman didn't put her blinker on, which made me have to wait for her when I wouldn't have had to, if I had known she was going to turn before getting to where we were. I just said, "Oh, Thanks for the blinker, Lady." Parker said, "Mama, don't say thanks for the blinker, Lady." Natalie said, "Well, maybe her blinker light is broken. Did you think of that?"