Monday, September 22, 2008

Never Done

I'm so very far behind on the blog.

I had a lot of client calls and scheduling last week - good thing.

I had an energetic little client in a session last evening. She didn't stay in one place for longer than 2 seconds - just like one of my other clients. She actually reminded me of her a little. Anyway, it was a busy session, with me going up and down and pulling out different props and moving the baby back into position and fixing buttons and hair bows and quickly moving back into a shooting stance and holding the reflector myself most of the time......I'm sore today. Riley lasted about an hour, and she made it through 4 outfit changes, even though she wasn't thrilled during the last 3. Tough age and super energetic personality. I'm tired.

One big exciting piece of news (exciting for me, anyway) is that I will be using the garage for my "temporary" studio space for now. Well, once we get it cleared out and set up. It means A LOT of work for me, because I have to sort through and sell all of the stuff for garage sale that is piled up in there. Billy will be moving all of his stuff (tools, car care stuff, hunting gear) to the big shed building in the back yard, so I'll have the whole garage (minus the space used up by the deep freezer and canned goods) for my studio. Now, I can't wait to get the chance to start clearing and seeing my plans for the space take shape.

So, I decided to cancel my reservation and not attend the convention in Phoenix in January. It was going to take up 7 days total of my time, plus a lot of money, plus it was a huge strain for me right now. Once I decided to wait on the certification exam and not go to the hassle of the whole thing in January, when I have so much going on during the next several months, it took a ton of pressure from me.

I spent an entire week on my senior marketing materials. I also changed my ordering process to increase sales and make it easier for my clients. Then, I created some new information packets for families, children, and the seniors. I still have so much to do, but I got a lot done over the past week or two. I got caught up on all correspondence and question answering for clients.

The books for the commercial project are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I'm so upset with the company for taking so long to get them done and sent, and it means more work for me trying to find another book provider who won't take so long. I'll be using Preview Books (nice albums for proofing) for my clients from now on, so I obviously need a printer with a fast turnaround and great quality. I've tried several and haven't found the right combination for me.

Anyway............I have to clean the house, because we have a busy weekend, with sisters and cousins, etc., coming in this Friday for my mom's 75th birthday party Saturday.

I can't even think of kid stuff to talk about, even though there's a lot I should have blogged so I could remember.

We get to make a scarecrow for Olivia's school. There will be judging and a winner. Natalie and I are pretty sure our family's scarecrow will win. We'll see. I guess we'll work on it Sunday after the family is gone. I think it's due next Friday.

Olivia still doesn't want to go to school in the mornings. She makes it a bad start to our day. I have to work so hard just to get her up and dressed and out the door and into the door at her school. Once she's there and I'm gone, she loves it. She tells us the songs and games she plays, and it's cute when she tries to get us to learn them and play along.

Parker was helping me clean the other day and he said, "I'm going to clean this really well, K, Mama?" Such proper grammar and such a good little helper. If he had been the only child, the house would never have been as destroyed as it gets now. He really likes things to be clean and in their place. It's the combination of him being with Olivia that creates the big destruction.

Natalie is really struggling with cursive writing. She doesn't like to take the time to do it right. I can't be too upset, because that's just how I was. Plus, I didn't have to learn cursive writing in Kindergarten like she is.

Okay. Sorry for the non-exciting blog. It was kind of a lot about me and my business, huh? I'll try to keep up with the kid stuff better over the next month.