Monday, September 8, 2008

First Fair Display

My first fair display was a success, I would say. I'm happy with the results of both the booth and the response from those who visited.

My dad did a terrific job building and painting the "walls" of the display - just as I imagined. My mom sat with me each of the 3 days, and she did some great PR - for free.

Since I plan all major events (like birthday parties and holiday parties and fair booths) a year in advance, I had a year of envisioning my booth at the fair. This display was actually like a one-year anniversary for my business being official, because it was just after last year's fair that I decided to start my business. Last year, I entered my photography in the amateur division and won in each category. It actually seems like longer ago than that, because I've been so busy working on the business stuff the past year.

Anyway, I had a year to see my space in my mind, and it turned out pretty much like I planned. The really interesting part is that each time I pictured my fair display in my mind, I imagined it in one place in the convention center. When I arrived to set up, I had been assigned the very spot I had pictured my booth all along. Weird.

It was such a tiring week/weekend, but it was totally worth it. I got so much good, encouraging response, and I received nearly 250 new contacts (potential clients) for my mailing list. I made a booking, and I will have more in the next couple of weeks, after I announce those that have been selected to receive the free sessions.

I had planned to put off trying to enter the senior market until next year, so I could take some time over the winter to plan out my marketing campaign. Now, I'm forced to quickly put together the marketing and my plans, because I had so many interested in senior portraits. I have a big list of kids waiting to receive my senior catalog that I told them would be available in a few weeks. No pressure.

So, the following images were taken with a little point-and-shoot. You can't see how cool the slideshow was, but you get the idea.

I wish I had taken some images of my marketing materials close up and including all of the sides and pages...maybe, I'll do that sometime.

Feel free to comment on the display. I already have most of next year's display planned out. (Some very cool stuff will be happening - fresh and exciting!)

Thank you to the people who have given me support in my business venture. I have so far to go and so much more to learn, and it makes it more pleasant when I have the encouragement of my friends and family.

This was a 12' wide by 10' deep booth.

Marketing materials (left to right):

A rack card that talks about my custom services, etc.

A rack card for my Business Quick Takes session for business professionals needing headshots for business cards and other marketing.

A flyer that explains Portrait Parties (booked one during the fair).

A rack card that explains my session options and fees and that my custom photography is an investment in the family's heritage, blah, blah, blah. (The investment stuff might actually be on the other rack card...not sure and too tired to go look.)

A brochure for the aerial photography that explains the Heirloom Collection and Estate Collection, etc.

In front: Business cards and my maternity/newborn plan cards. I named my plan the "Great Expectations Collection".

This was taken at the beginning of the morning of the last day.

The entry box filled up quickly each of the 3 days.


Stephanie said...

I see monkey made it into the pictures too. I'm glad the fair was a success and I am praying for as much businees as you can handle.