Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Glass is Dirty

I took my computer to a tech guy in Pauls Valley. He is fairly hopeful that he can retrieve the data from my messed up hard drive. He insists that it's not really a true complete crash of the drive, but an impending loss of all of the data. So, hopefully, it didn't get completely messed up when Billy was on the phone with the tech guy all day Sunday, and the guy had Billy trying different things. Anyway, I guess I will find out by tomorrow afternoon if this guy is able to retrieve anything. Either way, I'll have to make the drive back there to pick up my computer, and I'm really hoping I will be heading there to pick up the CD's holding my "lost" files when I pick up the computer.

I'm really concerned about one session that I can't find on my back-up CD's. The family hasn't ordered yet. If I can't find the CD tomorrow, and the man calls and says he can't retrive the information, I will cry and freak out. One of the CD's in the pile I checked today didn't work, but it isn't a big deal because that one had photos that I have stored on my other computer for sure. I'm just hoping I didn't have that certain family's photos copied onto that CD. I'm pretty sure I didn't, because it wasn't labeled that way.

Anyway...worry, worry, worry...even though it doesn't help at all to worry.

The girls both got to go to the movies this evening, with Ninny and Papa. They had fun.

I'm still up, partly because I'm always up late and unable to sleep, but mostly because the kids all went to bed late. Parker and Olivia are always so happy to see Natalie home, when she's been gone to spend the night with Gigi or Ninny. I hate to tell them to go right to bed, when they're having so much fun playing together. We had a good evening. The chore chart is back in effect (or is it affect? - too tired to think about it), and it was quite successful tonight.

So, as I was putting Natalie to bed, she suddenly realized her ear is aching. She hadn't been able to focus on it and realize how much it hurt earlier in the evening, because she was having so much fun playing with her brother and sister. (Parker was actually sitting with me most of the time, because he doesn't feel super great.) Anyway, she started crying about her ear, so I found the prescription drops and also gave her some decongestant. Poor thing just stays so congested, it seems like. She's always stuffy in her nose. Anyway, I think I got her calmed enough a minute ago. I found a soothing guitar-music CD and put that on for her next to her bed. I think it will help her relax and fall to sleep. Hopefully, her earache will be much better when she wakes up.

That's it. I'll update tomorrow after I hear the verdict on my business documents and photos. I may be crying.