Friday, July 25, 2008

Bunny Hop

A couple days before I left for Vegas, I found a baby bunny that Chicken Nugget was trying to eat outside. The bunny had some cuts from Chicken's teeth, and one pretty good slit across the back, but it was not hurt enough to need to be killed. So, I wrapped it in a towel and brought it into the house and put it in a tall storage bin. It didn't move much, and it was scared, of course. I had to leave for a shoot later that evening, so I tried to figure out what to do with the bunny before I had to leave and Billy would be home and just shoot it or something. I called the pet shop, and because they wouldn't be able to tell how old it was for sure, they would just use it for snake food. I called the animal shelter, and they didn't know of anyone who breeds rabbits. So, I decided to wait until after my shoot to figure out what to do with the bunny.

Billy actually didn't try to shoot it when he got home. He thought it was cute and fed it some fruit. The bunny didn't eat it, though.

While I was away from home at the shoot, I decided that it would probably be best just to release the baby bunny back into the woods - far away from Chicken Nugget. When I got home, Billy asked if I had come back home and taken the bunny while he and the kids were gone. I hadn't, of course. Apparently, while we were all out of the house, the not-too-badly injured baby bunny had jumped really high out of the storage bin and hidden somewhere in the house. We still haven't found it. We can't smell it, yet, either. It probably hid behind the equipment in the laundry room where we can't quite see everything, but we expected to be smelling it by now. The search continues. Poor baby didn't realize he was killing himself by escaping from the little bed I made it in the storage bin. If only it had been patient a couple hours, it would have been released and had a chance for survival.

The girls left Wednesday to spend the night in OKC with Ninny and Papa and then pick up their new boat and take it to the lake Thursday morning. I just talked to Olivia a little bit ago, and she's having fun. She was excited to tell me about swimming in the big swimming pool. She always asks to go in the big swimming pool, and I always tell her she will at the lake, because I don't want to take her in the big one here. So, I think she was really happy to finally get to go in the big one at the lake.

Update: The book design I had almost completed before the computer "crash" will not import into the program, so the design is lost. It's actually 5 book designs - 5 books lost. The software doesn't recognize it's own format from the export it did to save it before. It's weird. Anyway, I started the big project one all over again a couple days ago, and I hope to have it finished by Wednesday of next week. It just doesn't seem like it's as good as I had it before. I worked so hard on all of the text for the project, and it's hard to try to remember just how everything was. Now, I'm under a big time crunch, and I don't think I'm getting it all as good as I had it before. I just need to get the big project out of the way, so I can focus on other really important projects - personal and professional. (Also, I need to finish the project so I can get paid and book our flight to Phoenix in January.)

Oh, the other day, the kids were playing with a mesh pop-up hamper. It was a bird's nest, and Olivia was a bird laying eggs. Natalie was helping the bird take care of the egg (little orange basketball) by wrapping it in a towel and holding it gently and keeping it warm. Natalie was talking to the mama bird and telling her to stay in the nest with the egg until it hatched. She was trying to help the mama bird be excited. She said, "Stay in the nest with your egg. You might have a little girl."

Then, Natalie was placing towels and little blankets over the "nest". Parker was over there kind of messing it up. She told him to not take off the stuff she was putting on there. She said, "I'm camouflaging her. She has eggs to protect." I just thought it was such a big-girl thing to use the word camouflaging in the correct way.

No photos with this post today. (I didn't have time to take a pic of the baby bunny I tried to save. I thought I could do it when I got home.) I'll try to fit in time to post a couple photos of some kind tomorrow.

Oh, one more thing.....Chicken Nugget is expecting again. I think she's about 4.5 or 5 weeks. She'll be getting spayed after this litter.

Happy Weekend.