Sunday, June 8, 2008

June Blog

Since I haven't had a chance to blog yet this month, here you go...

Too much has happened to include in the blog, and I know I'll be sorry I didn't keep up with things the past couple of weeks, because I use the blog as my own little diary of events and things the kids say. There have been some cute sayings/actions lately. I just can't think of them all right now, and others take too long to explain.

We should get the results of Natalie's kidney ultrasound Monday or Tuesday. I took her Friday to have it done. I didn't get to talk to many of the people I used to work with in Radiology, and it was strange being back there after so long. The ultrasound tech who did Nat's ultrasound has a 16-year-old now, which seems really, really strange, since he was still a little boy when I last knew them. It seems like ages ago and a whole different life that I worked there.

I am staying sooooooooooooo busy with the business stuff. It takes so long to take care of every detail, too. I am now an affiliated photographer with the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Foundation. It's really heartbreaking to even visit the site, (Stephanie, don't look at the site again until next year.) I'm not sure how I'll make it through a session. I'd like to do a shadow session in the City to see if I can even make it. I just think it's such a great service, and I'm really excited about getting the word out to the community so families will be able to consider the option. I can't even imagine myself in the situation where I might need the services, but I do think that I would definitely want quality images of my baby. Photography is such an amazing medium for preservation of memories. I think I would want the visual reminder of the time spent with my baby.

Anyway, another busy week of taking care of business and more doctor's appointments. I'll try to get in some quick updates throughout the week. Plus, I still have some images to post from several weeks ago. I'll try to do that soon.

With this entry, I'll post a few pics of some muddy play from last week. I let the kids play in the water hose while we were waiting for Daddy to get home one afternoon. Well, the whole thing started without my permission, but once I saw how much fun they were having, I let it go on a little while.