Natalie and Olivia are both playing soccer now. Last week was the first practice for each of them. They were supposed to have games Saturday, but the yucky weather caused a cancellation.
So, Natalie has soccer practice on Tuesdays, and Olivia has soccer practice on Thursdays. Parker wants to play so badly.
Natalie was so, so, so, so happy when she got dressed for her first soccer practice. If you remember, she wanted to play last year (actually the year before - when she was 4), and I kept missing the sign-up. She was all smiles and really thrilled to get in her gear and get out on the field. She did well during practice. I'm so glad she loves it. I was afraid it was just something that sounded fun to her but she wouldn't like it once she tried it. - I was wrong to worry!
Of course, Olivia likes it, because she's doing something that Natalie is doing. So, time will tell if Olivia truly loves soccer as Natalie seems to. I'm getting Olivia scheduled to talk with her doctor about getting braces for her legs, since she walks so pigeon-toed. Her right foot really turns in. It has always done that, but her pediatrician thought it would go away on its own earlier on. It's definitely a problem. It makes soccer more of a challenge for her. Ballet will be really difficult next fall, if we don't get her into some braces now to try to correct the problem.
So, here's a little video of Natalie warming up before her coach arrived at her first practice. She was giddy!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Posted by Sarah at 3:53 PM 2 comments
One more thing...
As an incentive...
I would post more often, if my readers would post more comments! It's encouraging to know my blog time is appreciated.
Posted by Sarah at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Promises, Promises...
I realize I promised another blog update before the weekend was over, but I never took the time to do it. The blog is just on the back burner for now. A lot of stuff is on the back burner.
I've been putting my business stuff to the side for a few weeks now, too. Other than answering some calls and a couple schedulings, I've been putting off working on some of the new senior stuff and a couple other things I need to do.
However....I've been accomplishing so much on my personal to-do list! It feels great!! I'm really focusing on the family side of things.
Posted by Sarah at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 27, 2009
Natalie's Story

Posted by Sarah at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lucky You!
Sorry for the long delay in a blog update. You'll have to wait even longer for a blog of any substance, because I simply don't feel like thinking as much as I need to for catching up on the blogs I want to include (like back from Valentine's, etc.).

I've been working on some big re-organization in the kitchen, and I'll probably post about it sometime. I've got a bunch more to do in other rooms to implement some of my new ideas. I'm on a roll...and, of course, having a ton of fun doing it, because I thrive on organization and planning, etc.

Pregnancy update on Miss Chicken: She didn't get pregnant at the time Olivia and Parker heard her "getting bit by a snake". However, she is pregnant and getting really big now. I think we've got 2-3 weeks left.

Posted by Sarah at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Talk to the Foot.
We were all in the car, and the girls were kind of picking at each other about stuff (kind of serious and kind of just playing). Natalie put her foot up on the seat and said to Olivia, "Talk to the foot." (You know, like the "talk to the hand" thing.)
Olivia goes, "Hi, what's your name?"..."Oh, foot."..."Hi, foot. How are you?"..."Ok. Bye, foot." Everyone started giggling, and the "fighting" was over.
It was such a busy, running-here-and-there day today! My back is killing me, and I'm exhausted! Busy, busy day tomorrow with a session and an order appointment and some other stuff.
The weather was gorgeous today, and I'm hoping for the same tomorrow for my session with little Kolton - from the contest entry in February.
A handful that Natalie picked as soon as we got home from all of our errands (business and personal) today! At least they weren't weeds this time. I end up with lots of little glasses full of pretty weeds most of the time.

I just thought this was a sweet moment. She loves flowers and animals.
Posted by Sarah at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Things are really, really busy for me right now (business) - until at least Sunday. So...probably no posts until then. I may get to a couple by Saturday night, promises.
Because of a message I received after my last post about the product photography, I thought I should place a disclaimer here:
The images in the post below have not been edited (levels adjustments, contrast, color correction, etc.). They were not delivered to the client that way. When I said that I was thinking about leaving them as is and maybe not redoing the set up, I meant only the "set design" that I had done - the food props and how the light was hitting on the jars (not easy to light reflective jars properly, with them not looking flat or also not reflecting in the wrong place). Anyway, of course the images were enhanced, once I decided which ones would be delivered.
So, just in case a prospective client should happen upon this blog, they should know that was not the final "product" (pun intended) that I delivered to the client.
Maybe a quick, fun update with a photo or two before Sunday - but, don't hold me to it!
Posted by Sarah at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Product Photography

Posted by Sarah at 12:21 PM 0 comments