Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sarah in Real Life

I really have zero time to be spending blogging right now, but I'll just do a quick little run-through of a few things so I won't be too far behind when I do get a chance to go back and catch up.

Nat has been sick with fever. Tomorrow will be her third day in a row to miss school. She had her family day at dance tonight, when parents and grandparents could come watch the girls practice their recital dances. I had to wake Natalie up to leave for dance, and she was crying and didn't feel like it at all. She danced through the first dance (tap), but came to me crying after that and wouldn't do the ballet practice. She finally joined in at the very end of class to do a little jump thing. She went home with Ninny and Papa and her sister after class, because I had to run home and grab the computer to meet with someone to go over a design for senior announcements and wallets. I picked up the girls after I was finished with the meeting, and I heard that Ninny and Papa and Olivia had an unpleasant dinner at the Chinese restaurant. Poor Nat threw up all over her lap. Nobody finished their dinner. I bet they won't have Chinese for a while.

Billy has been sick also since last Friday, I think. I was able to go out of town to take care of a session at a nursing home yesterday, since Billy was home with the kids. I had a really good time doing the session there. I interviewed three of the residents for a little biography thing that will go in the album. It was really neat talking to them. I'll post a few things from there later when I have a chance.

Busy, busy day tomorrow - and every day for the next couple of weeks! Gigi will be here tomorrow to watch the kids while I go do a couple sessions and run a few errands.

Saturday night, I finally got to see Dan in Real Life. I needed a little break from everything, so I took a couple hours to zone out of my own stuff and watch a good movie. I had wanted to see it since it came out. I like Steve Carell, and I think he was great in the movie. It was not anything surprising or super exciting, but I liked the family dynamics, and their little reunion time reminded me of how our family spends time together - more creatively and silly than some families. Anyway, I was pleased with the movie. It was simple and sweet. I would buy it and watch it more times.

Okay. Photos posted soon, and maybe a little video from Nat's dance practice.

I almost ended without telling something interesting:

Natalie went to the dentist Monday, even though she was sick, and we got the x-rays that showed what we wanted to know about any permanent teeth existing where she is missing the 2 teeth next to the 2 middle front teeth. I was so afraid that the permanent ones would not be there and she would end of having to have implants at some point. Not only is she missing the 2 teeth in the front (no permanents up there), but she is also missing permanents for 4 other teeth, and maybe 5. So, a total of 6 or 7 teeth are missing. She will not be able to get implants until she is fully grown - like 20 or something. She will get braces at about 12, and they will put in a little retainer type thing with two false teeth to fill those spaces in front at that point. She also has a weird sideways alignment to her bite (like her mama had), so she needs the braces for that anyway or she will have bad TMJ problems and more cavities in the back teeth because of the way they hit together. She has 3 little suspicious spots already on some back teeth that will have to be treated with a cavity-fighting stuff. The spots are because of the way her bite is, according to the dentist. Poor baby got her mama's teeth problems - except I was never missing any teeth! I've never heard of that before. So, basically, she has a very expensive mouth - when it's all said and done. Since her poor sister is also missing the two teeth next to the middle front ones, I am guessing that her x-rays next year will probably also show no permanents existing. So, we're looking at double trouble with a lot of dental visits in the future (and a bunch of money spent).

Anyway, Billy and I apparently left some ingredients out of the girl mix, but the boy seems to have all of his teeth, so I think we got that part right. He may be missing a kidney or something else odd that we just can't tell yet.