Thursday, February 21, 2008

Natalie's World

Just a few cute things from today:

The kids and I were sitting in the truck in a big parking lot tonight, while Billy was checking on something. Olivia said she was scared. Natalie said, "Just think about flowers, or the park, or birthday parties, or the alphabet. Let's sing our ABC's." Then, she started singing, and Olivia and Parker sang along. It was cute how Natalie helped Olivia forget about being scared.

Natalie was trying to answer a question, and she was having trouble figuring out the correct answer. After a few tries, she said, "Geez, I think I forgot to put my brain in. Oh, yeah...I haven't taken my gummy vitamin yet today."

Natalie and Olivia were playing getting married, and after they walked down the aisle and bowed and curtsied (Natalie curtsied, Olivia bowed after Nat taught her how), Natalie made up the vows. She told Olivia what she should say, and she used a deep voice. When Natalie said her vows, she said, "I promise that I will stay home and take care of the children while you go to work every day."

My new beautiful, "almost commercial-grade" range arrived today - much earlier than expected. I'm happy. ----- Plus, tomorrow is Friday!