Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ants in the Pants (and other traumatic incidents)

Last weekend when the weather was so nice, Parker and Olivia got to play outside. Parker went into the ditch near the road, and I told him to get out of there. They know they are not to play in there. I always tell them that there could be snakes in the leaves there. Also, it's by the road. Anyway, we were getting ready to go to Wal-Mart, so I was watching and listening to them from inside the house as I gathered some stuff together. Parker came running in and stood in the entrance saying, "Mama, bugs!", as he frantically scratched his back. I ran to him and found red ants all over him. I took his clothes off quickly and called for Billy to bring me the vacuum. Poor Parker had bites all over him. He's kind of sensitive to stuff anyway, so they welted up quickly. We washed him off and medicated the skin. Time will tell if he learned a lesson about playing in the ditch. His bites still look awful almost a week later.

Parker is always getting hurt. The week before the ants in the pants, Billy was getting him ready to go somewhere and he picked him up and lifted him high in the air. The ceiling fan was on in the living room where it's low for Billy if he reaches his arms up at all right under there. So, Parker's head hit the fan while it was going very fast. It was a really loud sound, and he started crying immediately. Billy felt so bad. Parker's head was bleeding, and it took several minutes of holding it closed to get the bleeding to stop. He had a yucky cut and, I'm sure, a headache. It was okay without stitches. Poor baby. Poor Billy, too, because he feels so badly about it.