Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Making The Cut

Yesterday started out badly, then it turned into a wonderful day for me. Then, it turned again.

I had a session scheduled for 8:45 a.m., and I had a no-show. Not a big surprise, and a boring story behind it. Anyway, I got home just before 9:30, and I was home alone. As I was pulling up, my mom was leaving with Parker and Natalie. Olivia was already at school. Gigi dropped off Parker at Mom's Day Out, and Natalie went home with her to do her school there. I had the house to myself. Quiet. Peace. So Nice! I just did some fun stuff (not being sarcastic) like dusting the bookshelves and unloading the dishwasher and doing several loads of laundry. I also paid bills and took care of a couple other things that were not a big deal to do. It was a wonderfully non-rushed, nothing-else-on-the-schedule day. Not that I didn't have a ton of stuff I could do...I just didn't have anything major that had to get done right away. I went to lunch with a friend (she paid, yay!), and then we picked up Parker at 2:30 and Olivia right after that. The peace and quiet was gone.

Billy got home early, because he had to get back into town in time to take care of some paperwork at the office. We played in the family room, where I told Billy one of us had to stay with the kids because he still hadn't put the lock on the art cabinet that holds all kinds of dangerous activity stuff like scissors, glues, important school books, special toys with small pieces that can easily be lost or that require the computer/TV to play, etc. We are finally using the family room for the kids to play and keep their mess there. It's so much easier to clean up that one space before bed than to go through the whole house following the trail of toys. I'm still working on getting them in the habit of playing only in the family room. When I don't want them back there, they want to go in there. When I want them to stay back there in that room, they wander elsewhere.

So, the first yucky part of the evening was when something was said to me that was really, really not nice and really hurt my feelings. Second day in a row that happened.

Then, after a gourmet dinner of Hamburger Helper, I got a call from my sister and had a nice conversation with her. I was sitting in Parker's room while I talked. At this point, Natalie had just left to go to Ninny's house for the night, so it was just Parker and Olivia. While I talked on the phone, Parker and Olivia played in the family room, and Billy........Well, he didn't play in the family room. He was on the laptop in the living room. When I got off the phone, I saw that he was in the living and the kids were in the family room. I quickly went to check on the two biggest trouble makers in our house. I found Parker playing with some flashcards (from the art cabinet) in the big chair, and he glanced over the side of the chair where I couldn't see what was happening, so I knew something bad was going on there, as well. Olivia had jumped up and moved away from the chair completely, as soon as she heard me ask what was going on. Oh, a little before this, I was putting some dishes away in the kitchen while I talked, and Parker walked in and said, "What's up?" I thought that was strange. Olivia was following behind him and asked the same thing. Then, they headed back to the family room.

Anyway, beside the chair, I discovered:

There was much more hair on the floor than this.

Nice haircut.

Parker said, "Olivia fixed my hair, Mama."
Good thing I got back there when I did. We're going to have great photos of Olivia with Santa, with her ugly new hairstyle.

Billy finally decided it was past time to install the lock I purchased for the cabinet (about 6 months ago). He did it last night, and it didn't take that long.

Why does nobody in our house listen to me at the appropriate times and respond with the appropriate action?