Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Game On, Smoking Truck, Butterscotch, and the Captain's Bed

So, Billy and I did get to go to the OU game Saturday, and we had so much fun. There were a few really good plays, including DeMarco's totally-super-cool-to-be-there-watching 91-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. My throat was sore after the game. We paid $10 to park in a private driveway not too far from the stadium, so we didn't have to park 3 miles away. The seats were better than we thought they were going to be, so we were happy. Partway through the game, we noticed emergency staff going down with a backboard to help someone in the stands. They did CPR for a long time in the stands, and they continued compressions as they moved the backboard out of the stadium. It was hard to focus on the game for a while after that.

We were able to take care of the errands we needed to before the game, and then we ate at Red Lobster after we left the game. Natalie stayed with Billy's mom, and the other two monkeys spent the day and night at my mom and dad's. Natalie had to go to the ER that night for an inner ear infection. The doctor said that she might have asthma also.

After we ate, we were thinking about just getting a hotel room for the night, since we were tired and didn't really feel like driving home, and we had already made the plans with the grandparents for the kids to spend the night. So, we went into Wal-Mart to get a few things that we would want if we did stay in OKC for the night. In Wal-Mart, we saw the cutest pony I wanted to get for the kids for Christmas. It stands more than 3 feet tall, and her name is Butterscotch. She whinnies and blinks and eats a carrot and swishes her tail. The kids can sit on her. I fell in love with her (especially since we had just left the OU game, and I love the Sooner Schooner ponies that come out onto the field for every OU touchdown). Billy said we couldn't get Butterscotch for the kids for Christmas because we don't need her and she would just take up more room and the box wouldn't fit in the Cadillac. (We were driving it since it was just the two of us.) I was kind of pouty all the way home. ***Billy bought Butterscotch at Target Monday when we were back in OKC. The girls will flip out Christmas morning when they see Butterscotch by the tree from Santa. Oh, and I'm not pouty anymore. Spoiled?***

We also purchased Parker's big-boy bed before the game. Because I already knew what I wanted, it only took about 5 minutes to walk in, tell them what I wanted, look at what they had, and buy it. We had to go back Monday to pick it up in Billy's truck. That trip turned into a big adventure.

We took Parker and Olivia with us to pick up the bed, and Natalie stayed with my mom and dad since she is sick. We had the trailer hooked onto the truck, because we planned to pick up the french door for the new family room, plus the bed and mattresses. When we were on the interstate almost to Target in Norman, we noticed a huge cloud of smoke coming from the truck. After we got off the interstate, we could see that cars had to pull over because they couldn't see through the smoke. Billy made it into the parking lot of a supermarket across from Target. Transmission fluid was pouring out. He took care of arrangements quickly. He called for a rental truck, so we could hitch onto it and go ahead with our plans for the day without having to ask my parents or someone else to go all the way up there to pick us up with a truck for the trailer and also enough room for the kids and their seats. He also called the transmission shop back home (because it's under warranty) and got things set up there. Then, he called a wrecker (which ended up costing almost $300). Anyway, we were able to do everything we needed to do in OKC with the rental truck.

We put Parker's bed together when we got home, and it was the early hours of the morning before he got to bed. He is so proud of his big-boy bed. He loves to read books in there.

Our trip Monday ended up being about a $2000 day, not including the cost to fix the transmission, which we don't have to pay because it is under warranty. Just the combination of the kid's Christmas pony, another birthday present for Parker, his new bedding, his bed, the french door, the truck rental, and the towing cost added up (and another trip to Red Lobster with Olivia and Parker - - didn't get enough shrimp Saturday night).

So, I don't blog as often as I should, but I fit in quite a bit when I do, right? I'm even adding in pics and a video to keep the family blog reader's happy.

Parker is so proud of his big-boy bed. (I haven't painted his new step stool yet, and the room wasn't put together right, so ignore that part.)

Stranded in Daddy's hunting truck. Waiting for the rental truck to arrive.

Parker helping move dirt for the new driveway with his "tractor".