Friday, November 9, 2007

Chicken Nugget and the Driveway

Our new driveway was finished today. It makes a huge difference in the appearance of the front of the house and the usability for the kids. It makes such a nice surface for their bikes and chalk drawings. Parker was so excited to be able to watch the process, since he is enthralled by construction equipment. He calls all heavy equipment "tractor". He gets upset when I don't drive slowly enough on our way in and out of Natalie's school area, where new construction is being done next to her school. He tells me, "Stop, Mama, tractor! Don't go!"

We have a new outside cat that someone probably dropped off in our area a couple of weeks ago. Olivia named her Chicken Nugget. I tried to get her to shorten it to Nugget, but that was not acceptable. So, the first day the driveway guys started pouring cement, Chicken Nugget ran all the way across 30 feet of concrete, and I had to bring her into the house and give her a bath. She stayed in the house the rest of the day, until the first half of the driveway was cured enough for her to spend the night outside. Today, she spent the whole day inside again. It's nice to have a cuddly cat around again. Since we got rid of Miss Sparky, I have missed cuddling with a sweet cat. When we got rid of Macy last month, it was so hard, but it needed to be done. It really is nice not having a cat inside the house anymore. I like having Chicken Nugget outside. Parker really loves her, and he is Chicken Nugget's favorite person, I think. They have a lot of fun together.

Tomorrow is Parker's 2nd birthday, but we will not celebrate until the evening before Thanksgiving, when more family will be here to help celebrate. Billy and I are celebrating tomorrow by going to the OU game and taking care of some errands in OKC before the game. Hopefully, we'll come home with Parker's new big-boy bed.

A few weeks ago, I asked Natalie to lay out the city-scene rug for Parker when he had a bunch of cars and trucks in a pile he was playing with, and she said, "Sure, I'd be delighted to." It cracked me up.