Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We're Moving!!!

The new blog address is

I still need to move over all of the video clips from previous posts, but I don't have time right now.

Anyway, make sure you change the blog in your favorites and subscriptions and whatever.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Parker's Surgery

Tomorrow is Parker's surgery on both of his thumbs.

The girls are spending the night at Ninny and Papa's and will be there tomorrow. Gigi and Grandpa will be going to OKC to be there with us for the surgery.

I'm nervous. The surgery itself is not a huge deal - just the anesthesia for my little guy. I just hate it when children have to go under anesthesia - especially my children!

The surgery time was originally set for the second case of the day, which put it at a start time of about 8:15, with our arrival time being 6 a.m. So, we had planned to spend the night in OKC. However, earlier today, we got a call saying that his surgery time had been moved to later in the day (noon), so we don't have to be there until 9 a.m. That saved us money, since we don't have to stay in the hotel tonight. Also, Billy didn't get back into town from work until about 8 p.m., so it would have been really tiring for him to have to drive on up to OKC to the hotel right after getting home from a really, really long day at work. He's really exhausted.

So, Billy and Parker are both asleep in our bed right now. Parker kept asking me to take his picture tonight - again, and again, and again, and again. He was walking around finding random objects and asking for a picture with them. I'll post those tomorrow night or the next day. I also have a pic to post of Olivia's crazy hair from today (Crazy Hair Day at school).

I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I have to finish getting some stuff ready for tomorrow. I worked hard today on some business stuff.

I'm also moving the blog, and I'll let you know the new address in the next couple of days.

Pray for Parker (and us) Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I got a prank call from a radio station this morning. I wish I could find out what station for sure.

The guy wanted to know if I would take pictures of his step-daughter and her prize-winning goat. Well, the thing was that the goat actually passed away last night and was stiff, with the tongue hanging out. Could I work with it and make it look like it was still alive?

Sorry, I simply couldn't do that today. (Or any day.)

Well, it says I do children's portraits, and the goat was like a child. It was part of the family and they loved it to death (no pun intended).

I giggled.

"Ma'am, it's not funny. My step-daughter is really tore up about it. She stayed home from school today and everything. She really needs a picture to take to school tomorrow."

I advised the redneck to find a photographer closer to where they were located or to just take a snapshot themselves.

When I asked for the contact information, they hung up.

I tried to find the station after that because I was sure I had just been pranked by a morning show, but I had no idea except to look for redneck country stations.

I did a reverse search on the number and found where it's from. Then, I found the station that is most likely the one. Then, I found the two guys that do that morning show during that time. So, I'm pretty sure I know who it was. When I find out for sure, I think I'll call during on on-air thing and prank them back about how I am suing or something. I was so emotionally distressed after the call that I couldn't work all day. I feel so sorry for the step-daughter who lost her prize-winning goat.

I actually am kind of irritated that they are using my name on air and everything. I should have hung up much sooner, but you know Oklahoma. I'm surrounded by rednecks - many of whom have prize-winning animals that are like family. You never know. I was trying to be nice without being stupid, because people were listening, and I didn't want them to think Sarah Hilton Photography was heartless or brainless.

Anyway, funny - and will probably never, ever happen again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ACM Awards in Vegas - I See Stars!

Too tired and busy to blog properly right now. I need a few days to recover from the trip and catch up on my work here.

Here's a little teaser:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vegas Bound - Again.

So, I leave tomorrow morning for Las Vegas - once again. Vegas wasn't even anywhere near my list of places I wanted to visit before I died, and here I am going for the second time in about 8 months. It's hard to turn down a free trip - and helping out a friend who is truly going through a really difficult time. We plan on taking our time more this trip and hitting several spots that we wanted to see last time and didn't get to.

I cashed in my change bank yesterday, and I had about $60, so that's it for all of my meals. I'm so glad we found the cheaper eating place on our last morning in Vegas the last trip. We'll be there every day this time.

I've been working really hard the past few weeks. I've also just completed a month of no eating out (with the exception of a lunch with my in-laws after a funeral recently - paid for by my in-laws). I have actually prepared food (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert) every single day. That is a humongous feat for me. I also spent NO money on anything but groceries for several weeks. The break in that occurred the day we took Natalie's story up to the City, and I had to buy Parker a cookie and drink at McDonald's, because Natalie got to go with Gigi and Grandpa, and he didn't (sad boy). Also, yesterday, I went shopping for a couple things I needed for my trip (another bra and other necessities like that).

It feels so good to be taking good care of the family and our finances. Groceries are expensive for a family of 5 who is home all of the time - except for Daddy!


Chicken is about to pop, but if she doesn't start labor in a few hours, she'll end up stuck with Billy as her "midwife" through this delivery. I hope she can hold out until I get back.

I'm busy making lists for Billy for while I'm gone, and I'm trying to explain everything and show him where stuff is set up for certain things, but I don't know if he's really listening. I know they'll all survive without me, but I want it to run smoothly and "properly".

The girls each have their first soccer game scheduled on Saturday, and I'll miss them. I can't believe that. Billy will be busy that day.

I'll be super duper extremely crazily busy when I return Monday afternoon. It's a really, really busy week - and I have to do taxes in the midst of it. So, I'll probably get a quick blog in when I return, and then there won't be a whole lot until after that next weekend, probably. We'll see.

Wish me luck.